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Jarvis.9540's Achievements

  1. That's a good point @Danikat. I'll take a look at the rewards I want and maybe not obsess so much about staying on top of it. Thanks for the insight.
  2. Yep. And they could accumulate daily up to a certain point. Would this option make you have a worse experience playing GW2? Because I know it would make me have a better one.
  3. Signed. This is pretty frustrating... I didn't even want to do this, but I need to for the daily. We're all just running around waiting for the timer to run out.
  4. Hard to disagree OP. I don't like this new system at all. It feels like the implementation of this system shows that either: 1. ANET doesn't understand the main principle that sets GW2 apart from the other MMORPGs. 2. ANET does understand this, but they aren't satisfied with that being the case. There are tons of of MMORPGs out there, and many of them do so many things better that GW2 (raids, dungeons, bosses, etc.). HOWEVER, the thing that has kept me coming back to this game since launch is that it has always gone the exact opposite direction that other MMORPGs lean when it comes to FOMO. I can leave and come back to GW2 w/out feeling like I've missed out on anything (not counting Season 1 LS for a while, and we saw what a stink that caused.) This battle pass system (while mild) represents a step in the wrong direction - and it's a pretty in-your-face step being that it is tied to the daily system that slaps you right in the face the minute you log on each day. Is this egregious? God, no. It is however indicative of a direction that if they fully leaned into would make me leave this game for good. I really hope they don't kill the one thing I find special about this lovely game.
  5. They'd be crazy to release in November. FFXIV Endwalker releases 11/23/21.
  6. I've gone at this five times now hoping it would fix itself, and I've submitted a ticket. I'm unable to complete the quest in the subject line because clicking on the burning wood during the "Search the plateau for clues about the crash" part is not giving me credit for the quest like it is supposed to. I've completed this quest many times on other characters enough to know that it's just broken. A back and forth w/ ANET's customer service team tonight consisted of them telling me to do two different things that I'd already tried then telling me they can basically do nothing about it. They advised me to submit a bug report and "watch the forums" so here I am I guess... 😕
  7. Hey all. Is power herald a viable option for raiding or fractals these days? Back before I left the game, it was just okay for PUGs, but in organized groups all the buffs ended up being duplicative and not necessary. Has anything changed?
  8. Hi there! I'm interested in joining if you guys still have room. Long time player that has recently come back to the GW franchise.
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