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  1. This change is great for Deadeye. Stealth on mark, stolen skill, withdraw, elite, dodge and maybe even blinding powder is just too much. I played my fair bit of it tbh but the cheaper you play (outstealthing the opponent and waiting out cooldowns) the better you did and it is just too boring and not interactive of a gameplay in the end. Now we have less of the too easy stealth access, less stealth duration and less incentive to stay in stealth and INSTEAD we have incentives to only go in stealth only shortly (quick reposition or stealth attack... you know, the things you could argue are actually the purpose of stealth with thief), we get superspeed and protection, bursts of initiative, blind/weakness to make up for it and in the end we are more viable being less in stealth and the opponents have at least the feeling they have a chance to fight since there are more windows of opportunity where the deadeye is visible I assume it will be too strong and nerft again but it's definitely the right direction gameplay and philosophy-wise. It's more interactive and less cheesy imo. If it sucks we can finally commit to kitten or CS again without feeling to gut ourselves. I love it. This change leads to a more healthy relationship with stealth. Also I think a rifle deadeye with superspeed and quickness is very scary to fight in of itself.
  2. Feedback from a WvW Roamer (Power builds) I almost exclusively play WvW with thief power builds and look for fights/duels. I didn't expect it but in this scenario specter works very well. Even though the traits don't do a lot for power builds, specter gives enough sustain (mainly through shroud lifepool and barriers) that you can go more offensive. Hence, people tend to play with trickery (ofc) and crit strikes. - Scepter #2 isn't useful really and is mostly ignored. - scepter/dagger #3 is quite clunky to use imo but deals a lot of dmg in its current state so scepter/dagger is mostly just #3 spam, nothing else really since dagger offhand isn't synergising well with specter as a whole. - Shroud skills are great, #3 is ofc way too clunky in its current state - not having to move the whole distance every time would be great as a start. - Going in and out of shroud is great and fluid and I'm afraid that it is too strong and will be made more clunky to use by restricting shroud access more. - I'm not a big fan of the wells and the different cast times and I think they are mostly used as extra mobility tools and quickness providers (chrono runes). The elite one on the other hand is a great tool. - Improvisation (deadly arts) should provide some other benefit other than skill recharge since there are no stolen skills. - The much needed acrobatics buff would be great now to provide specter a defensive line outside of shadow arts (which by the way should definitely finally be nerfed in the near future since it holds thief back) Specter is AMAZING in the way that it opens up the class so much. Finally there are other roles to fill, I can go bruiser and be less reliant on shadow arts and stealth as a whole. I can be IN a zerg and be effective. And ofc I could go full (offensive) support and condi - which I wouldn't but that's what it is designed for.
  3. Yo my man, that's what I'm running. I don't know a lot about ele but to me it seems totally fine to play lightning rod d/f with water instead of arcane :D is it an offence in the ele community?
  4. that on the other hand would be a bit extreme. the aim of my suggestion was, that it is actually realisable.. but if it was sarcasm... then jokes on you.
  5. Hey everyone,I am a 4k hours thief main WvW main and I have the (somewhat reasonable) suggestion that thieves should have a skill to reveal others in sPvP and WvW.The main focus is the not so rare thief vs. thief matchup. The reason is simple: Everyone knows how thief duels often end up. It's a competition about openers and many thieves stick to tiring stealth stacking.If thieves had a ranged skill that puts the reveal debuff on the enemy, thief duels would get way more interesting. In sPvP as well as WvW thieves are often the counter to other thieves only because they are the only ones to keep up with their mobility (ofc there are enough other counters in duels).I think this would help to reduce the incentive to play stealth camping builds (Deadeye still has their anti-reveal elite but that's its purpose), it adds a "skillful" component to stealth fights and overall balances out the stealth mechanic. By no means should the duration of the reveal be too long nor should the cooldown be too short. It would be just nice to have some counter to stealth as a thief other than deliberately getting hit during stealth stacking in a smoke field. Also I don't think other classes would suffer from this addition. I think Signet of Shadows, Distracting Daggers, any of the poisons or one of the preparations could be appropriate candidates for this change.I'd like to hear your opinions.
  6. i just want to add my opinion that a dedicated deathmatch queue is what i am waiting for to get me back into pvp instead of me roaming and dueling in WvW.the 2v2 event was awesome and i'd love to have a proper queue for it with rewards (maybe less rewards than spvp conquest at first).tweaking can happen through the denial of too tanky amulets, reduction of healing effectiveness over time and timed orbs that allow stealth tracking to some degree. even if it is still all quite unbalanced. it's the nature of mmo's anyway and it never bothered me to play something unviable.just anything outside private lobbies. i assume i am not alone with this.
  7. i could get behind all the "nerfs". they made sense in my eyes. the only clear nerf in terms of numbers is the auto attack nerf but promoting initiative usage to deal dmg makes sense since it's the idea of initiative. it all made thief a more skill demanding profession and i like it. i know many dont and thats fine because im happy that it is not a noobclass and noobs move on to other professions with their cheesy builds.i also agree with the positive aspects of the current thief state of purskullz.
  8. i play since pre-HoT. mainly wvw solo roaming and a good amount of spvp. of course there are matchups that are too tough for most thief builds but not more than there are supposed to be imo. i wish people would be way more specific in their criticism since thief theoretically can adapt to most situations. "600 range too little mimimi" isnt constructive and also no reason to call daredevil unviable.
  9. just to give a different opinion because i'm tired of this. thief is still very much viable in spvp and wvw. one has the option to play many different builds unlike herald for example who is pretty much stuck with one build. i still enjoy d/p bow DA dash. rifle, p/p, s/p deadeye builds are also fun and bursty, s/d core isn't everyones taste, mine neither but it works fine.swipe is something one can adapt to. i dont feel like i need the range as i have other gap closing options too. the unblockable is nice to use into channelled blocks in combination with draining sigil, PI and the boonsteal. i very much feel like i can control fights and avoid fights as i always have with thief.saying thief is kitten is lazy and noobish. but thats just my opinion. i want other players and anet to know that not everyone is frustrated with thief at the moment.however, i am very very happy about the fact that thief isn't op so everyone plays it. rather the somewhat more skilled players are the ones playing it successfully.
  10. is D/D weaver also playable with a full power marauder setup and no condi dmg? or is it too big of a missed opportunity?
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