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MsNineTailz.9508's Achievements

  1. I share a sentiment that I feel many do such as my circle of close friends that the limited time frame imposed on the bonus event for the Twistered Marionette has been to small a window to enjoy to the fullest for a lot of people, what's more given we don't have a lot going on for the game during the remainder of the year as far as we know so I'd imagine ArenaNet would try to capitalize on having such an event run for as long as possible to keep player engagement up especially with EoD now delayed until early 2021. Its a long shot to expect they'll extend it now given how little time is left, but maybe with enough people like myself expressing this we could maybe change ArenaNets mind on the event.
  2. While the delay saddens me primarily because now I'll have to juggle two games around the same time frame, I to however share the sentiment that I'd rather see EOD get the development time it needs if ultimately the end result is a quality experience. I am also curious on the technical reasoning behind why they've chosen DX11 over 12, though given the age of DX9 at this point I'll take anything if there is a chance it will help with the long standing performance issues the game has endured over these years. With DX11 on the way I'd like to hopefully see the addition down the road of an LOD draw distance slider option and maybe even some reworks to the post process effects and lighting, right now with post for example you can use 3rd party solutions such as GW2hook etc. but I'd like to see the need for these options become disincentivized unless for the purpose of fancy screenshot taking.
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