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Generic.7904's Achievements

  1. prelude lash is 5 targets for 2s with a 300 radius, aftershock is 10 targets for 3s with a 600 radius. The issue isn't just the immob, it's that the skill applies a pile of defensive buffs with them- making it the best immob in the game while still being a very strong defensive tool in it's own right. You use aftershock right before your group starts a melee bomb, that way the immob is covered. You know, the same way you use an immob soulbeast or druid. Okay, so your supports can't cleanse through a bomb, good to know. Additionally you're ignoring the other part of what I said about prelude lash. It is a pull that does damage. There were supposed to no longer be any hard cc's that do damage. I.E. drop the hammer does a paltry 7 damage. Then you put an immob of 2 seconds on top of the fact that if you caught someone without stab, you've now pulled them away from supports to you and your group. With higher level play than blobbing, that's probably one of the best scenarios. Hit someone for some damage, pull them away from their group and supports and then put them in a prime spot for people to bomb immobilized? Versus, oh hey guys, I'm gonna layer an immob that makes a group of people all together do a bit of a stutter step because it'll be cleansed. It's far easier to get out of an immob if 9 other people also get caught in the same immob together unless your supports are just bad. A 600 range in this case also means you can't as easily choose who you immob because it's so indiscriminate. Meaning you can't as easily target squishy dps players, and you're likely to catch supports which will then keep their dps from dying. Prelude lash is nicer because anyone with stab (most likely not a support) doesn't get pulled. Oh and you can trait it to give blind, weakness, and taunt while giving you fury and quickness if you really wanted (though there are better traits to pick up). Not to mention it's on a shorter cooldown.
  2. tbh, if you're dying to the immob from auramancer (which suggests your supports are inept), then just wait until some fight group with a tech soulbeast and binding roots comes along. Can't cleanse if it is reapplied. I find it funny that you don't call out prelude lash because it still does damage as a pull and it immobs all in the same skill.
  3. This just in, t4 players dying to basic game mechanics. SMH my head my head.
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