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DemonAtTheWheel.1804's Achievements

  1. As Super Adventure Fest starts next week..... any chance this year's release can have some way to address the Fancy Furniture Coins?.... right now, aside from just discarding them, the only use for them is a cloud decor for a guild hall..... how many 8 bit clouds does a guild hall need? They need to either be exchangeable for some other (useful) item (continue coins, food, baubles, etc.) or an option to sell them for like a few coppers. edit: New idea... maybe a slot machine like game that takes Fancy Furniture Coins or an NPC that does like a three card monte game paid for with Fancy Furniture Coins, either one with a small chance to win valuable gear and a high chance of getting like materials, food, or baubles.
  2. Back at the point between the end of the Icebrood Saga and the launch of End of Dragons, there was a short period with "return to" events that allowed users that may have been missing some of the Living World story lines to no only play that content, but also unlock that content for their account permanently. I see that we are currently under a new "Return to" special bonus event, and I have a few guild mates who never got Living World Season 2 (though have several expansions).... If I poke and prod them to login and play Living World Season 2 this week, will the current bonus event unlock the season (or at least the episodes they play) for their accounts permanently? Or is this a "access for just a few days" sort of thing?
  3. That would be great..... I support the idea. How would you handle the recipes that have dozens of possible results though? For example, "throw in 4 random green level gear" has hundreds of possible outcomes. Even the recipe for making Lucky Clovers has more than a dozen potential results.
  4. NO. just no. So much no. Making everything 5x more expansive just hurts players who don't have the time to play constantly. I know several players who only get time to play one or two days a week, cause real life takes most of their time. Making all the useful (non fashion wars) AA loot 5x more expensive hurts players like that. A better solution would be to add more desired options, in limited quantities, at large prices. Things like the obsidian shards and transmutation charges are a waste of AA, even at the low prices they are at. Why would you spend 1000AA for 20 obsidian shards when you could turn that same 1000AA into 28g (at the current 35AA per), then buy the 20 obsidian shards for under 20s and some map currency? Remove the obsidian shards and add things like Guaranteed Armor Unlock, Guaranteed Weapon Unlock and Guaranteed Dye Unlock... 2 or 3 per cycle, at like 400AA to 600AA. They already did one mount skin, how about Mount Adoption License (the ones that give a random skin) for like 1300AA a pop. Hell, raise the limit you can acquire of AA to 2000 or 5000 and add some truly expensive stuff that can be acquired for free in the game with enough patience, like unlimited use gathering tools. (unlimited use gathering tools can be had for free by farming black lion chest keys to get black lion statuettes, then using those to buy the tools).
  5. I think you mean 'UI'.... as in user interface.... cause Blizzard sure has not had AI solved for 20 years.
  6. You can skip the tutorial. Consume 1 Tome of Knowledge, and you will be granted a waypoint on your map... use the waypoint and you skip the tutorial. Yes, this does waste a tome, but allows you to jump past the annoying "how to play" tutorial.
  7. It would be nice if there as a side quest to upgrade our Jade Bots so they could have more chip-slots Several of those chips are fairly useful....which is great.... except you have to choose just two, and there are several combinations that are just impossible as certain chips are assigned to specific slots. Would be nice to have more slots available. Possibly make it so that the added slots require additional power cores as well. Somthing like "you cant get more slots till you have at least a level 10 power core... but then when the new slots are acquired (via an achiev or collection or something), you then can not use them till adding a second and/or third power core to power the additional chips.
  8. several years ago, before I had 2500 mat storage, and only 1 of the converters, I had the same issue. I found that you can burn through your back-log stock pile pretty fast if you convert with ALL of them daily.... it is easy to miss/forget a few of them Herta / Mawdrey II / Princess / Star of Gratitude / Sentient Aberration / Sentient Anomaly / Sentient Oddity / Gleam of Sentience Will eat though daily: 1000-1150 Bloodstone Dust 750-900 Dragonite Ore 750-900 Empyreal Fragment
  9. Son of a quaggan! First, I did not realize I needed to keep a watch on the bugs forum channel so as to not waste time and gold in game for an issue that has literally been known by Anet for 3 months. They really should have patched this by now...... or removed Straights from the rift hunting rotation! Second, not only did I waste four rare motivations (so like 20g), but the 4th one also did not even give any loot... not a single essence or anything
  10. For the love of puppies, FIX THE CAMERA ZOOM. While this has been an issue for a decade, it is becoming far more noticeable with convergences. You have your graphics settings to allow the widest angle of view and the largest zoom out possible, which in 4K is glorious. Lets say you are on foot, and zoom out as far as you can to see everything around you. You can see all the action and avoid mobs and meteors behind you. You kill a lieutenant or general, then jump on a mount to get to the next baddie.... the freaking camera zooms you in. This one could be excusable, as it moves your zoom from the limit of instanced or boss combat to the (closer) limit of zoom while mounted. You then get to the next baddie, and dismount, and the kitten thing zooms you in again, way way close like the camera is mounted on a jade bot buzzing round your toon's head. You now can't see squat and have to take a moment, while in heavy combat to zoom back out. Super super annoying! fixing that would make a major quality of life improvement! Semi-related.... for some reason, about 15% to 20% of the time that second zoom in freezes the camera facing that direction (north/south/east/west) so that when your toon is trying to maneuver around the cacophony of carnage, the camera does not rotate around behind the character as it should. You have to right click and drag the camera to get it unstuck.
  11. Two suggestions.... First, you can have multiple tabs in the chat window, and you can set which 'channels' each tab uses. You could create a new tab that is 'squad only' and one that is 'say only' so that if you are not sure which channel a message is in, you can simply change tabs to see. Second, I have a color blind co-worker who was not aware there was such a thing.... did you know they actually make glasses that help with color blindness? They are not cheap, but they could be a game changer for you, not just for gaming reasons. There is a company called Enchroma that makes them. They have a color blind test on their site to determine which type of blindness you have and which glasses could help. Their glasses are also available on Amazon (at cheaper prices than on their site)
  12. I expect you mean the mails you get about the (now far more common) 'Rush' events? Since Magnus is WvW and Zafirah is PvP, it would be great to be able to opt-out of those notices if you have no desire or interest in WvW or PvP content. However, I am not certain if you would be able to opt out of just those and not also opt out of the PvE rush mailings, which are all sent by other NPCs. It kind of all depends on how the messages are actually sent, and if the back end system actually identifies them as separate (likely generated by separate scripts) or if the back end system sees them all as "from Anet", triggered by the same script, in which case it would not be possible to opt out without also opting out of all automated Anet notification mails. For the "just delete outright" request, I'm guessing that would actually work out to be a bad idea..... as much as I personally do like it. Similar to the note above, I doubt they would be able to just apply "delete message and attachment" to those specific mails, which means people would start deleting their daily Expedition Contract mailings (loot) as well as possibly mailings from friends / guildies who sent them gear or gold. I can only imagine how many support requests Anet would get daily for "I deleted a mail by mistake that had ______ item or gold attached, please give it back", which would be a nightmare to address as they would need to validate each and every one to prevent false claims.
  13. Only if the buff loot drop by just as much as they buff the boss' HP. Behemoth went from like 80s worth of loot for a 2-3 minute fight to 80s worth of loot for a 12 minute fight. Same goes for Shaman, Wurm, and Fire Ele. They also do not scale very well in their buffed and new mechanic states. I know several players who stopped or significantly reduced how often they do world boss trains after Anet buffed the four starting map bosses, cause the fights got too long for the small amount loot and it no longer felt like the fight was worth doing unless it was a daily. As a side note... if they keep making the bosses harder to kill, they will also need to change the boss schedules, or the train will detail itself and you will miss bosses.
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