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  1. YES!!!!! I WANT A DISMOUNT SKILL ON MY WARCLAW. I can just imagine roaming and then dueling on who dismounts who and win the upperhand on combat.
  2. And I don't even have a griffon, and don't plan to put any effort into acquiring it any time soon. Some people just need to take it easier. Neither of them are really needed to play the game and have fun. time gating isn't fun, is freaking homework
  3. 90% No. Holy .... this is like the most one sided pool I ever seen around here.
  4. Nobody cares about PvP and I don't know why people keeps bringing it to the table, in PVP you have everything unlocked and any nerf/buff can be ignored because you have everything there to make it work, now when you touch PvE and WvW then is when people "reeee" and with legit reasons, you have to spend your resources on runes, armor, sigils, weapons, etc, ditch away your old gear and sometimes your class goes to the shit so bad NOBODY wants you in their party, an example that almost gave me a STD was getting revenant out of meta almost 2 FREAKING YEARS when raids were released and I was forced to play things I don't enjoy not have fun with them, and whats the point of a game? to have fun. I particulary hate nerf, I consider them toxic and bad for the game health and have had this argument in other games before, when you nerf something you take away options from the players you limit them or straigth up kill them, the right thing to do would be to buff everything else give the player more options, nothing is overpowered where everything is overpowered and you also stop having the "THIS IS THE ONLY VIABLE BUILD FOR THIS" issue to something you can change to the best as a situational requirement.
  5. This again... I quited the game for a while until a solution came out, if you want a legy armor but can't do raids you could go for pvp o wvw, if you dislike those armors and really want the raid one, start chopping wood to buy the raids I can't do with normal people. That's what I did , or you could force your friends to "git gud" using a whip.
  6. People that votes no are sick... all they use as excuse is "it relax" or "you can sit 12hour to play" or "it's like they want us to play the game" I won't relax with anxietyI can't sit myself for 12h and probably my all guild mates and I are old enough to be the fathers and mothers of the guys who wrote this.I play as I want to play on my own phase, if you want to take a month to unlock some stupid collection THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM YOUR PERSONAL CHOISE don't force it upon others.
  7. Time gating is BS, I had enough with my legendary armor, I like to play at my own phase otherwise I would just stick to some stupid free korean rpg. I know some "passive" people would say crap like "YOU SHOULDN'T BURN THE CONENT IN 10 MINS HURR DURR" f* them, If I want to burn the content fast is my choise, my own freaking problem, I have no time for BS, I'm not the kind of people that have time every week sometimes not even months and when I come back I'm totally fked trying to catch up with my guildmates trying to do events or visiting maps no body goes anymore is a pain in my rear I need to do things while they are hot or lose. Pfff... time gating a stupid mount, what's next shooting your own foot by making an unlimited friend teleport ? oh...
  8. I'm WvW PvP player but since I'm from tarnish coast I don't know if my opinion counts, but... WvW is hell in this place it never stops raiding for me.
  9. uuuh... I would love a greatsword on my rev
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