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GlockBoy.2134's Achievements

  1. Last night, I was attempting to complete the quest, To Kill A God. I spent roughly 25 min. doing the quest and another 25-30min on killing Balthazar himself. As i was in the cut scene, the entire game crashed and when I loaded back in, the quest was incomplete. I went through the forums and saw a very similar post about 3 years ago. They had the same problem. I'm pretty annoyed that this happened, and I don't think I'm gonna be wasting another hour completing it unless I know it will be rewarding, rather than all for nothing. If anyone has any suggestions on how to go about this or insight on how to avoid that bug, please let me know lol...
  2. 3 Years later, this just happened to me now. Spent who knows how long finishing the quest, spent another 30 min killing him, and right at the cut scene it disconnected me from the game and the quest is incomplete.... I'm PISSSEDDDD
  3. Not sure if this is what you mean, but on my Necro, axe auto attack range is 900..
  4. This is a huge bummer, because I liked the concept of the class and was thinking about making one, however I always hear everyone talking about how the class is unfinished.......and now a nerf.... :/
  5. I think you nailed the head with these two points. CD reduction and the fact that it's basically just another form that locks you out of your utilities, but unlike shroud on core necro, you can't easily just switch back and fourth between the forms due to cooldown on the elite skill. I'll be honest, I don't have much experience with the Linch form due to the fact that I realized early on playing necro that it didn't seem very viable... but coolish.. and cool won't cut it as far as skills go.
  6. I've always liked this idea, but there are a lot of loopholes that can cause people to exploit this concept and it would require a lot of effort to halt those things from happening. I don't know if Anet would put in the effort/funds to avoid that as the fact that they don't really benefit much from having mount sharing, if anything, it's actually a disadvantage to them. Something to ponder though, potentially... a follow feature? Anyone have some feedback on that?
  7. I think most of the complaints come from facing off against a good player on a meta build or facing a hard counter. definitely some legitimate wonky skills out there though. I agree, someone always finds a way to complain when they get outplayed. Reminds me of a comment @"Turkeyspit.3965" made on this discussion post:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/908822#Comment_908822
  8. Because an entire generation of children were lied to by their parents, falsely being told they were somehow "special", so inevitably when these children are ever confronted with a situation where they don't come out the winner, something obviously is wrong, since how is it possible they could lose? Automatically the people who beat them then are now either 'cheating' or playing 'builds' the are 'broken' and 'carry' them, because nothing else would explain how this "special" child didn't come out the victor. One only has to read the WvW (Nursery) section of these forums for evidence. I wish I were making this up, but some things are too bizarre or strange to even be accepted as fiction. Yes.
  9. I'm pretty sure you get offense points by standing on a node that your team doesn't own whether it is contested or not, and you don't need to fully capture it. Easy to test, click into your scoreboard as you capture a node, and you will see your points start to rise before you fully capture. And as far as the defensive points, you get those as you stand on a node your team owns that is being contested.
  10. I think it should AT LEAST be tested as an unranked game mode for the time being, to test the waters and see how it works. I don't find queue times in unranked to take very long. About a minuet most of the time. If anything, I feel like many players who would've normally not played much PvP, might get interested with this new game mode. Like @mortrialus.3062 said.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy playing Conquest, but I think you hit the nail on the head with this post. 2v2 will certainly bring in a lot more new PvPers if it was to be added. I think it will add a whole new playstyle/build style to the game as well, and it would be focused more on skill and game mechanics over rotational skills and understanding.
  12. Yeah it doesn't make any sense, because I know for a fact that 2v2's are popular in general for the gaming community as a whole. That's why I assumed the only logical argument that could be made (at least from what I've thought of) is that it would slow queue times for the current PvP modes. Maybe they don't think the GW2 PvP community is big enough to have too many game modes? Idk, I think 2v2 would be a great addition to the game.
  13. Well this seems like a weak excuse for an argument. You are pushed away because someone played more hours than you? How will you ever be new to any type of content then? Someone will have always played an enormous amount more than you... Learn the strategies.
  14. How would an "on-demand" 2v2 tourney work? That could potentially be an interesting concept... Unfortunate that they haven't taken the route to a 2v2 mode... I feel like it's a favorite for a lot of people.. I guess the argument could be made that it would slow queue time for other PvP modes like conquest? Idk.
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