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Every day pon.5386

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  1. ah! salt mines ahead, indeed! found the queue cloggers (they're in the forums) 😂 WvW gameplay shouldn't be confused with open world PvP yet here we are asking for the smallest PvP encounters.. roamer guilds get more done & y'all would be fine within that system honestly, ranked is a fine alternative too, whatever gets our randos off of queue so our players who queue to play squad pvp can regularly assemble into the maps .. I mean, I suppose we might lose a couple of the yak slappers in here, but y'all can't be that influential compared to our roamer guilds who coordinate in a match .. WvW definitely needs to split up the un-guilded casuals & fight guilds in some way so we can avoid each other in the queue, half of most guilds sit out most popular times & when we get in there may not even be a composed tag on the map lol
  2. ^ TBH Randos have no place in an any practical Alliance or warfront & would never be allowed access to an Alliance's side unaligned/unwelcomed by any such alliance I know that GW2 forums are generally salt mines, but if we look past players trolling tactics, supply, spying maps, etc. a huge reason why we have map queues is as follows: Unaligned/Random players are forever statistically less agreeable with 1 another towards managing & avoiding map queues than any truly allied guild's routine play; willfully paired Shards/guilds are far more likely to coordinate around queues i.e. which guild plays where, when, with, & how much of a guild may fit in a map such games are always far better off without randos clogging queues/refusing to coordinate (being there just for quests, doesn't hold interest in the other's playstyle, etc.) WvW deserves decisive play with guilds who wish to coordinate their play together & if for nothing else, such secure warfronts aforementioned are simply more illustrative toward roleplaying (where anywhere from a handful of players or whole guilds on your own team isn't sabotaging half of a match with bizarre impunity to the link) no 🧂 Funneling unallied guilds & new players through PvE, Obsidian Sanctum, & Edge of the Mist would do wonders for the WvW community (these maps share /team chat) if/when players wish to join a link, they could simply speak with our Legendary Commander War Razor to apply for/request an invitation to any alliance, similar to a guild invitation request, where such inquiring players may either have temporary access to the allied front or guild officers could come greet them in the arenas, etc. Think about why queues almost never budge! it's always our unrequested link's population fighting against itself - pon
  3. 👎 then wear healthy armor for y'all are guardians & generally supposed to encourage health choices as such .. not simply play like a Berserker-Warrior-Griever-Thief full plate w-key on a profession of Guardians😤
  4. ^ Unyielding Dragon should only yield to Stability, receiving opponents should gird their loins before being hit by a Unyielding Dragon Also, Bladesworn explosions .. Profession theme minimally (for balance) should provision 1 Blast over our many, many, many explosions virtually being massive blasts (& being swap locked) .. if we, for some unknown balance reason, don't merit prof. explosive Blast then the opposite could be interesting, such as Smoke Field / any Field removal Utility ⭐ Could be a blackened siege crater from a much Kaineng explosion🐉 also: of all Warrrior things ..Staff Blasting? Really? How 🥴
  5. Ay! Kick animation too clunky & could be fantastic & showey if the animation cycle had virtue of a real kick action .. ref. HEMA/buhurt 🏆 sorely overdue & top great theme of the warrior .. knights that don't kick? unheard of! ✨
  6. 180?!!? ARE Y'ALL INSANE?!?! THEY'RE ALREADY WVW GODS .. RIDICULOUS! 120hp is already game breaking Guardian attributes further away from being WvW wise/balanced with Maurader/Dragon's into PvE set Berking .. WvW Willbenders already are nigh-unkillable with iframes, restorative strikes, 5-target S-Tier burst damage pressure, & teleport spam .. who played Willbender & asked for hp??? Willbenders don't cease attacking unless they're briefly blow 10%hp & out of iframes ... WvW back to 2-3 Guardians per subgroup???? 😱😱
  7. I can see Rifle Mesmer being used as a side weapon cycle if it had a stealth/reposition/iframe, as without such makes pairing Rifle quite difficult to justify! Still holding out for Horn Mesmer BTW 😂
  8. Granting Unlockable (Staff Warrior) is easily busted & is an Elite-level equated Skill (Basilisk Venom), just letting y'all know in advance ✨
  10. Specter Scepter LoS pathing still bugged (& narrow), i swear on muh queen's slippers that there is an obstruction bug in WvW with high player count .. beside losing its own boon generation at range cast
  11. Given that any player can cast a reveal in WvW I feel that Deadeye Stealth removal was overnerfed out of gameplay (Shadow Meld) 🤔 it's a powerful mechanic & 1 instead of none or 2 is unique to all professions & WvW Gameplay .. with 1 Deadeyes could at least assassinate a guard 😂😭
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