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EL Oscuro.5086

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  1. very poor form changing that without warning... it was very welcome knowing the option was there for when it made sense to progress all the collections and convert those tokens. I hope ANet would consider reinstating this for at least a week or two to allow people who wanted to convert to do so.
  2. Let's keep bumping this and maybe it gets some attention...
  3. I really like this idea. If we can't undo the repeater change, this would provide a brief respite. Although perhaps better to apply the cripple on Shadow Strike itself? It's still not as robust a replacement to SS, but it's something - even a 1 second duration would make a difference out of those 4. Others have suggested swapping out venoms for more survival. This build (as pure condi) already struggles with some of the encounters due to the HEAVY condi cleanse and conversion out there - (looking at eles and scrappers right now). Losing anything is painful when it comes to application. It's really important to get those venom shares and sustain pressures, and to work with enemy ICDs to maintain pressure. Or maybe i just play too aggressively, rather than dancing around. I know i'm generally impatient for my kills, and it works against me from time to time.
  4. Thank you Saerni. I did do a search before posting, but searched for the wrong term. Is PVP to you just WvW? I play this with a vanilla thief, so malice doesn't really come into it for me. I'm looking for more aggressive engage / disengage, in line with needs in Spvp. by hybridise, i was thinking to include bleeds in shadow strike if it's about increasing damage, or increasing torment, both while keeping the initiative at moderate levels, for two to three applications. Adding repeater seems to have increased damage, albeit moderately given the cost of repeater, but at the cost of survivalism, which is more material in my estimation. The link, for anyone else:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/853121#Comment_853121
  5. As I suspect that using P/D for PVP I must be in an extreme minority, this post is probably not going to get any attention. Nevertheless, as they say, you don't ask, you don't get. I love the balance team for innovating and finding new ways to use skills. However, this specific change feels intended for pve, and has some significant downsides in pvp. In PVE Pistol / Dagger has very little requirement for counterplay, and putting distance ONCE between you and your foe will often buy you enough flexibility to plan your next moves. I get that. It's a great change, especially for starter areas where new players may be looking for more oomph those first few levels before they get dual weapons. But when you're fighting against other players, you NEED to be able to disengage, quickly and frequently. The 3 skill on P/D is a perfect evade for pursuers in PVP, and I've chained evades with stacking torment for years. It depends on precision timing and a keen eye for detail to ensure you don't miss, but it allows a canny thief to evade and keep distance from players. Warriors and their GS5 skill, engineers and their hammer attacks, weavers and their closers, etc,etc. With repeater, the second you've evaded once, you're a duck in water. You lose a key survival skill , which you have to compensate for by replacing with other utilities, losing an extra skill slot too. With P/D already being a weak class overall, especially in the eyes of general PVP players, this extra burden really impacts it. The upcoming patch build is making very welcome initiative cost changes to this skill, but i hope the balance team will at least consider a revert on this skill for the future. it was a more versatile option. Please consider either hybridising the damage, keeping the initiative cost and having the bleed and torment stack, or increase the torment and leave it as it was. Any of these would help an enthusiastic thief to survive without further compromise. Thank you.
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