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Elric Of Melnibone.4781

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  1. Anyone ever see Consume Uncontrolled Magic spawn? I keep seeing the Convince Zaishen in that same area. I hope it's not another unmarked NPC that launches it.
  2. Same stupid thing again tonight. We had an even stronger group that was burning and CCing all the pre event bosses l like butter and then Soo Won does back to back bites so you can never really attack her. They have made this impossible now, totally bugged. We cannot beat her in the allotted time if she is going to spend half of it biting plus all the other attacks in between.
  3. I am merely commenting on the strike requirement to start the turtle mastery. Raids and strikes are fine content but should not block story/mastery progression. The meta is a whole other discussion. I have spent hours every night prepping for meta and failing, last night with a good group we hit 3%. We could have beat it but the update has her attacking/switching sides so often it's near impossible to burn her.
  4. I was in a great group last night, we had her down to about 3% and failed, my best attempt yet. I think if the update had not happened we might have beaten it. The problem was she seems to be either attacking or switching sides like every 3 seconds. There is almost no time to attach her as you are constantly running to avoid one of many large attacks of hers or having to run across the platform only to have her start yet another attack so you have to reposition again. I don't remember all this repositioning happening before the update.
  5. How does this solve the OPs problem? Strikes are just scaled down Raids which will likely fail if you can even get a PUG to do them.
  6. Sitting in Grothmar and nothing spawned after ooze pit, do the champs not notify the map on spawn?
  7. I am working the dragon response mission which should get me 2 more eventually so that would leave 3. The Champions mastery points all sounded like more than I wanted to deal with, trying to do something difficult in hard mode is almost like trying to do a Strike mission. Dodging attacks in the Dragonstorm meta may or may not be doable, I will get to those once I finish Drizzlewood.
  8. Is there a lack of mastery points available to the average player to complete this? I am working my way through the Drizzlewood grind and when I finish them I think I will have enough points for every mastery except Dragon Slayer. That requires five more that I don't see how I can get. Spending a mountain of gold on Volcanic Stormcaller only gets me one more. I don't do raids or strike missions so a few more are off the list but not sure how many. If I don't do Volcanic or strike missions can I even finish Dragon Slayer?
  9. Actually that's good news to me, I can catch up over my week off for Thanksgiving.
  10. Have they still not done the voice action for No Quarter and Jormag Rising? I see they are releasing another chapter in two days why would they not finish the prior two chapters first???
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