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Drakhar.1389's Achievements

  1. I was about to make this post myself. It seems so obvious. If there's some technical issue that makes splitting shade duration difficult, then you can just put alacrity on Sand Savant with reduced target cap like Drarnor suggests. The more I think about it actually, the more I believe attaching alacrity to Sand Savant is the way to go. The big shade just feels way more natural for a support build where you want to reliably keep shades over your allies, and with the lower target cap it'll be more straightforward to primarily boon up your own subgroup. Realistically, there's a lot of ways they could go with it, but nerfing dps scourge just comes across as a weird oversight. They made no indication that they wanted to nerf dps scourge, and this wouldn't be the way to do it either.
  2. With the Arby's promotion it's all becoming clear. Anet is sneakily placing anti-vegetarian propaganda into the game. A few blocks of tofu? Pathetic! You'll be hungry again after just 30 seconds! What you need is some Ascended STEAK from ARBY'S! (we have the meats®)
  3. In general, I'd recommend not using treb, and especially not repairing it. Whether or not you get stuck, it's a very weak secondary mechanic. If you do get stuck in the treb or elsewhere in pvp, the fastest thing to do is hit escape > log out > character select and then log back in on the same character.
  4. It's sort of strange that you showcase staff and mention dagger warhorn, but not dagger focus, which has been the widely accepted strongest option for ages.
  5. Are we really talking about this 7 years later?
  6. Maybe 3-5% of the time when I use dragon slash - boost (the 2 skill), the skill seems to trigger but I stay rooted in place. Very unfortunate when you're trying to run away. I made a clip of it happening on Boyce's stream. https://clips.twitch.tv/PowerfulFrozenBulgogiAsianGlow-CLam6JWoUdLo4KTZ
  7. It's ok. About the same power level as Spellbreaker, but a little more teamfight focused. Better than Spellbreaker for organized groups - some people are considering it for competitive 5v5, but Spellbreaker is probably the better choice in ranked. It's probably good in 2v2 3v3 deathmatch. Honestly a balanced spec - up to you whether that's good enough.
  8. You obviously don't know what you're talking about... It's a very strong skill, but primarily because of the cc and mobility of the 2 option. It's usually less than 10% of your total damage.
  9. Here's a couple found in pvp that nobody has posted yet: Infinite alacrity - The alacrity barrier trait (channeling conduits), sanctuary runes, and compounding chemicals in alchemy combine to give easy 100% alacrity uptime in spvp. This partly seems to be an oversight rather than a bug - but there is another bug in play. Whenever you trigger a skill with a cooldown, the duration of alacrity resets to max. This weird buggy synergy only really seems to work when you have all three ingredients. Infinite stun breaks - Force signet doesn't go on full cooldown if cancelled.
  10. Break step (Gunsaber 5) should follow your running direction like rocket boots, as it plays as a disengage most of the time. Currently it charges you toward your current target regardless of where you're pointed. It is not primarily a gap closer, so it shouldn't act like one. Similarly, Dragon Slash Boost (Dragon Trigger 2) often gets you into trouble because of it's poor targeting. I think it should be ground target to offer a little more flexibility, and prevent frustrating whiffs - or at least make them the player's responsibility.
  11. Many things hit harder for far less investment. Lich autoattacks, True Shot, Gunflame, Arcing Slice, etc. All of which hit over 10k, and the most I've seen from Dragon Slash is 7k.
  12. Unfortunately the PvP situation is just clunk on top of clunk. The numbers are bad too. Huge investment to land a dragon slash, and it does less dps than just autoattacking. Ammo elite synergy with support shouts seems promising until you realize you're vulnerable without Full Counter, and you have to give up your banner elite skill to get the synergy. The main issues leading to clunkiness: No ability to stow while using Gunsaber, not even heals/utilities. (this feels really bad, like I'm using an environmental weapon or something) Long cast times Long aftercasts (particularly on Blooming Fire) Gunsaber on F1 is unintuitive Can't enter dragon trigger outside Gunsaber Tracking on Dragon Slash 3 is awful - it misses all the time, and the 2 has trouble with verticality as well. Dragon Saber interaction with Rampage is bugged I could go on, but I'm pretty depressed and disappointed at this point. I thought the spec would be interesting, but it really doesn't hold up to playtesting. It feels like walking through glue. Edit: I forgot Dragon Slash locks you out of your other weapon set for 5 seconds. WHY
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