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  1. Sorry but people like you talking about the event not being a problem for „good groups“ are not taking into account that the events are successful atm because raiding people lead them. But there will be a time after the release where raiding people will be gone cause they rather will keep farming their raid currency than doing this meta for random people. then the ones who are left are the players which are exactly the randoms, casuals and roleplayers who dont want to learn any elite mechanics but are just story and open world enjoyers or roleplayers and they will need to get along then on their own when the „git gud on ma level“ people are gone. you dont want to tell us that the event is like „haha you guys suck at the event until now so we give you your finally nail in the coffin on 4% bosshealth and swarm you with all random effect spam into oblivion you trash!1!!!!!11111!,“ ????????
  2. The win/loss statistic of the weekend wont be representative anyways cause there have been commanders from raiding communities online pumping one event after the other through. Alone Will from teapots hardstuck community did one event after the other on sunday in like a maybe 12 hours session. he did an excellent job and is a 100% success ensurance no question but one cannot count on the fact that commanders like him are from now on always available to get the event done for random people. also his runs had classes restrictions and the groups in squad where build in raiding functionality. people also needed to get on voice and this is excatly what a meta event is not about. In a meta event there are always random people comming together on a map to spontaneously make the event together. never it needed to be optimised for max dps output or perfect dodging and such. The current state of the event does not allow for human errors enough to be finished by a random group. it would have been better to create a special worldboss event which could be spawned by guilds any time with this kind of high difficulty. the meta event needs to be adjusted in randomness and difficulty. Also the very long preparation time is just unfun. Too much time is lost when the event fails, i am not willing to treat my weekend or time after work like this. lets hope this event is just a secret test from anet to check how far they can go generally.
  3. No because this game is already one of the most expensive mmo on the market. Pay for Bankspace, pay for Characterinventory of every Character, pay for Build- and Itemtemplates of every Character, pay for this, pay for those… By the time you unlocked the game to be played comfortable you payed more than what you would have payed with 10 years monthly 10 dollar subscription. All this new age pay for comfort can stick in behind.
  4. Grinding the maps for their currency and all this is already no fun in most cases and everything you farm in this game is farmed by spending your limited lifetime which noone can give you back after. Having this lifetime completely vanish in form of decreasing virtual online currency would make it obsolete to play for me at all and I would declare it finally as massive waste of life to even attend to such mmo game. GW2 is generally already hard on the border with its tiny lootsystem and ingame items cause of gemstore existence.
  5. I would add the competitive side of the game like GvG. For many years now GvG has only been created with somewhat makeshift arenas which are inconvenient to use and the GvG scene has always been organising everything on their own. There is still no 15s, 20s or 25s GvG gamemode and many fightguilds have to reduce their activity by now cause either their wvw matchup dont brings them proper opponents in that week or the available arenas dont support appointments with other guilds properly. Is when Anet decided that spvp conquest should go esports before they actually shipped Guild Wars 2 without the Guildwars.
  6. Ya transmu charges are not a big money source, can get them easily for free. Also if you own legendary armor or weapons these dont consume a transmu charge if you apply any unlocked skin on them.
  7. I think that games should provide an option in graphics settings to disable flashing lights. Like a "comfort mode". The new game Lost Ark got such option and its good. But "letting people down" is a wording which I consider as "too much". Nobody is "let down" cause this here is just electronic entertainment nobody needs to survive or so.
  8. ya the core game's story is starting nicely but the more you move towards the end it feels like the developers haven't had enough time until release to finish it properly. Specially everything behind the fort of trinity feels like it was rushed into the game and never really done in the way it should. The endfight vs Zaithan is ofc not even worth to meantion. This fight looks like they had something else in their mind when theory crafting but could not do it cause of time reasons and just did something to have a finish at all. Same goes for Arah. Back in the days when there was no other content, Arah was the endgame dungeon but it also feels pretty makeshift. Im sure it was a matter of time running out before release.
  9. perma stealth itself is not so the problem but one of the worst decisions done by anet in wvw was to give the thief a portal in addition to perma stealth. This seek and hide game in palace or bay or wherever is no fun, is just unfun by design because there is no proper counterplay. even if you call 50 people to seek for the thief can take an hour or so until the thief is dead finally. is like so many things where a proper counterplay is missing where you just think "know what? kitten this keep, kitten this thief, kitten this game i go offline and do something else with my time"
  10. i think they should just allow the "dailies" to be done in unranked as well cause I getting tired with this mentality "I want MMMYYY dailies and I dont care for you rank, your experience, your fun or your match cause I WANT MYYYYY dailies and I dont care if I am the reason for loss here cause I want MMMMYYYY dailies and if it must I will click xx other matches into defeat as well until I got somehow carried to get MYYYYYYYYYYYY dailies" MYYYYYYYYYYYY dailies!!!!! Or get rid of PvP dailies at all since PvP players dont need them and replace all pvp materials from guild hall upgrades with something else. Specially in 2vs2 or 3vs3 arena its so hard obvious if your teammate doesnt contribute. This needs to be fixed instead giving more dailies potions. This game should stop to be just unfun by design in so many areas.
  11. I play GW2 since end of may and I had no problem getting the mount.I used Guardian for its several possibilities to gain swiftness to always be on time when a structure was captured. I can also recommend to do it on scrapper as you have alot of superspeed to catch up.Best map is eternal battlegrounds as the structures are not that far away from spawn.If your Server got SMC on T3 you can just run from the middle of the map to anywhere on time. Generally I dont think that anything is "brutal" in gw2.
  12. Another suggestion: i want to be able to change the server from NA to Europe and back for free when it comes to PvE content. Since playerbase is shrinking i think it makes sense to let players from NA and EU play pve together because alot players from EU are online during EU nighttime but hardly find ramdom other people to play fractals, story content, etc. so why not let players change the server for free regarding pve. if someone want a server change for wvw still need to pay gems, as otherwise free change atm allows for match manipulation.
  13. since we get build templates i would like to be able to change the class anytime as well. e.g. i play with guardian and if im bored with guardian i can just change to necromancer any time for free with template. i would like that feature cause i dont want to replay all the story missions and maps just when i want to play another class and need to change the complete charakter for that.i want to be able to change the class and continue with the approach i already have. players who want to have several charakters could just continue like they do now.
  14. 0.o oh what?advertising the Iron Throne and sending McDonalds Toilet to the customers. Not possible! The Chair needs to be changed its not even close to an Legionaires Chair.
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