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Lacuda.8543's Achievements

  1. This post was mostly just to see how the community felt on the subject. Heck, I'd be happy with a crummy title like "Bad With Money" or something like that. It's not "supporting" the game if you get something for it. Then it's just another transaction, exactly like purchasing gems for whatever other reason you might have. It's your choice to spend your cash however you please. If you can afford to plunk US$1000 on a bunch of BL keys, because it's kind of fun opening that many, go right ahead. I think it's odd to imagine that it would be good for the long term health of the game to treat those spending US$1000 differently from 10 people who spend just $100 or 100 people spending just $10. Will just dryly point out that actually yes, when you perform a transaction with an entity and you are choosing to provide that specific entity with payment for a service, you are in fact "supporting" it. It's why when people boycott businesses they will actively choose to "no longer support it". At least this ain't WoW. More than doubled the amount mentioned here in that game lol.
  2. Great ... so I will ask you the same question I asked him. If you want to promote a way to accurately test builds for PVE, why isn't expanding the golem options acceptable to you? Again, don 't come to me looking for a fight because you won't get it. I just want to understand why the current options aren't acceptable. The engine isn't designed in such a way to allow you to click a few buttons on a golem to simulate something like a hybrid stats build.The suggestions I put forth were ones realistically available that could be done in short order without effectively taking away from anything.Adding golem selections for changing your gear would be a HUGE endeavor as they have zero precedent templates and would have to build it out from scratch. It's nice you think your suggestions are faster to do than simply upgrading golem, but you don't really know what the work is involved to do either of those two things. Seems to me your reasoning is based on what you want to the be true. So basically, your assumption that upgrading golem is too much work to upgrade is why you don't support upgrading it?Curious why you think the golem would be easier?
  3. So people can buy legendaries for cash but not be rewarded for supporting the game a whole bunch? :'(
  4. What about $1,500? That's 50% more legendary earning.
  5. Can we get a legendary for players who have spent $1,000 or more on this game?=)
  6. Frivolous? Maybe to someone who thinks everyone enjoys this game the way they do.To me, an easy way to test gear/build combinations without penalty would be the single greatest QoL improvement Arenanet could give me. An improved PvE testing area could not just be used by buildcraft enthusiasts like me. It could absolutely be used to tutorialize the gear system and properly explain stat sets to new players.It could be used to send people to after they use that level 80 boost to learn some essentials instead of just dropping them in the Silverwastes in Soldier's gear.It could be used to explain breakbar mechanics or condition cleansing. And give those of us who want to experiment another avenue to come up with something cool and fun. Call it frivolous all you want. It's frivolous to youI spend my share of money on this game. Character slots have been my build templates for a couple of years. Some of the toons I create might get a gemstore cosmetic or I might make them a legendary because it looks good.Enabling me to do this fewer restrictions doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.I'll wager this is a more positive contribution to this game than your "advanced form gatekeeping" is. All of this.The best way to get more players is to ensure the learning curve is both dynamic and flexible. It should target everyone, not people who have played a long time.So many people still have no idea how to even use the special mechanics button. Or about alternative dodging. Having a more in depth tutorial and testing area is exactly the way to get way more revenue and generate more playership.
  7. Great ... so I will ask you the same question I asked him. If you want to promote a way to accurately test builds for PVE, why isn't expanding the golem options acceptable to you? Again, don 't come to me looking for a fight because you won't get it. I just want to understand why the current options aren't acceptable. The engine isn't designed in such a way to allow you to click a few buttons on a golem to simulate something like a hybrid stats build.The suggestions I put forth were ones realistically available that could be done in short order without effectively taking away from anything.Adding golem selections for changing your gear would be a HUGE endeavor as they have zero precedent templates and would have to build it out from scratch.
  8. You first say you don't get the point, then proceed to try to shut down a point you said you don't get?The point has nothing to do with golems, they're literally there to be smacked/smack back for testing of builds.The point is a lot of builds are gated behind weeks of farming work, not just gold you can throw at them.The point is that being able to accurately test these builds for PvE should be an option considering they already gave this exact feature and love to sPvP players.If you think it's "frivolous" to let players test a build so they can concretely decide to spend time, energy and often money, on that build, then you're just attacking someone for how they play the game. Yes, it really is. The "I don't play that way and even though this wouldn't affect me remotely I don't like it!" is strong here.
  9. Arena Net: If you do this I would pay 1000 gems for it!
  10. What about hybrid stat builds? There's also no dps test like the Aerodrome has.Not to mention you don't have all the available runes and sigils. It wouldn't hurt anyone's gameplay, that's all I'm getting at. You dont need dmg numbers to get a feel for the class. You have benchmarks to make a decision towards that. And yes, the developement time would hurt, because anet will not take that out of living story... so, no. Its a superfluous feature, ESPECIALLY for your stated purpose. Now for those making benchmarks it would be nice to have. But to get a feel for the classes mechanic and gameplay? No. Just no. Again, it wouldn't hurt. It might not be your particular cup of tea, but it would still be pretty useful for those of us that like to experiment with builds, especially builds that require gear pieces you can't simply just buy with gold. They wouldn't even have to put all that much work into it, just take the Aerodrome training area and make it sandbox with a few extra golem/fractal options. Just because you personally don't like the idea just means don't use it, some of us work full time and can only get a few hours in a day if any, and this would be extremely useful for us. Okay, Ill try to explain. Everytime we ask for a new feature that "just" means adding an existing feature to another area of the game, devs say its borderline impossible and would take a lot of work. We cant get WvW balancing in guildhalls - which would be a more used feature than adding PvP armor to aerodrom testing arena - because guildhalls are part of PvE. There are old bugs in the game that nobody can really fix because the programmers that really understood the code left. Etc.As you can see... in your eyes "small" feature requests actually cause a lot of work... and that work has to be then substracted from other projects - like new raids, new fractals, wvw alliances, pvp swiss etc. So, yes, it would hurt. Your feature would be "useful" to a handful of players. There are other things that would be useful to way more players - like difficulty settings in raids, wvw balance in guildhall arena, bugfixes, etc. On a sidenote: This is the downsite of having a gemshop instead of a subfee. All those artists working on gemshop skins just cant implement those nice features. /edit: And just to iterate it: You dont need dmg numbers to make new builds. You can do that part just oldschool with spreadsheet math. Just going to golem, whacking it for kitten and giggles is not the way to go about theorycrafting new builds anyway. And to get a feel for an existing build - if you like the mechanic, the rotation, or not - you also dont need the dmg numbers.Dude, the feature IS already available, it's called a beta client. Could just let players make use of beta client style character access. Easy peasy super squeezy, a dev could knock it off in a weekend with a bottle each of jaegermeister, goldschlagger and redbull. Aside from that, they could just copy paste the type of access available in Heart of the Mists. The idea that coding time budget should have fans on the forums telling other fans that their ideas are stupid because it theoretically might take away from other content is just silly.
  11. What about hybrid stat builds? There's also no dps test like the Aerodrome has.Not to mention you don't have all the available runes and sigils. It wouldn't hurt anyone's gameplay, that's all I'm getting at. You dont need dmg numbers to get a feel for the class. You have benchmarks to make a decision towards that. And yes, the developement time would hurt, because anet will not take that out of living story... so, no. Its a superfluous feature, ESPECIALLY for your stated purpose. Now for those making benchmarks it would be nice to have. But to get a feel for the classes mechanic and gameplay? No. Just no.Again, it wouldn't hurt. It might not be your particular cup of tea, but it would still be pretty useful for those of us that like to experiment with builds, especially builds that require gear pieces you can't simply just buy with gold. They wouldn't even have to put all that much work into it, just take the Aerodrome training area and make it sandbox with a few extra golem/fractal options. Just because you personally don't like the idea just means don't use it, some of us work full time and can only get a few hours in a day if any, and this would be extremely useful for us.
  12. What about hybrid stat builds? There's also no dps test like the Aerodrome has.Not to mention you don't have all the available runes and sigils. It wouldn't hurt anyone's gameplay, that's all I'm getting at.
  13. Hello, just curious; Heart of the Mists is a great lobby for testing potential sPvP builds.PvE feels like it could really use something like this. Would be great to be able to play around with different stat combinations & runes/sigils to see if they work for the player without having to spend countless hours and gold getting the stuff just to realize that build isn't right for you. Anyone else interested in something like this? How would one go about making the suggestion?
  14. Could have just adjusted it and dialed it but no lets erase it that's a subtle thing
  15. Well, RIP Reapers for PvE then I guess. Shroud was essentially a HoT for Reapers. Now it's just the warrior's Vengeance. If you use Shroud to keep yourself alive in PvE now it's just a death awaiting at the end of it. Not to mention in PvP and WvW it's often the only way to survive a burst damage build. Ah geeee golly whiz a net thanks
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