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Iann.3491's Achievements

  1. I just hope that someday Renegade will be looked upon in PvP. The bow is just broken (SB2 skill can be evaded by walking...). And now with Agility gone, Comboing Soulcleave with Icerazor's Ire will take 3 sec again... Edit: I know most ppl dont play Renegade (Herald is way stronger in PvP) and so they dont care; But as a main Bow/Kalla Renegade i'll continue to pursue my dreams!
  2. While i disagree with you; isnt a viability issue. It's just that SB2 is broken and SB3 isnt worth.
  3. Hi, i'm a Renegade Main, Bow and Kalla user, and i've been wondering... Will Shortbow ever be good in PvP? Although i love the Shortbow, it's obvious lackluster in PvP (and somewaht in PvE also). The problem isnt the numbers, but the SB2 and SB3. When someone though it was a good idea to create a targeted skill that can be dogded by walking? (even in pve, when monsters are running towards you they end up evading it). And SB3 is only worth the energy if it hits at least 5 arrows, to do that the enemy must be still, and even when you get to land SB5, you'll need to be in the exact range to hit the 7 arrows. To compare with other Rev weapons: double shortsword has incredible burst damage, along with CC__ and a shadowstep (you can argue that melee weapons are supposed to be stronger, but really the only melee attack are the autoattack, all other skills have decent range). The hammer has huge range, good base damage and has defensive options (evade and shield), while having a huge AoE Stun. The staff has low damage output, but it compensates with a lot of defensive options: cleanse, evade, blocking and weakness. Mace/axe are great for condition damage, on top of aoe might generation on low CD. Each of those weapons are great, and i want the bow to be as usefull! I use bow in PvP to some success (got to low plat with the build i made), but for that i had to develop a very specific gameplay. I only use SB2 when i land SB5 (which isnt always possible 'cause of the evades and stability). And SB3... if i use 3 times in a entire match is already a lot, it's almost never worth the energy cost. So most of the fight i'm only spamming autoattacks and legends skills. While other classes can be successfull only by spamming skills without thinking (which i find boring as hell), the Shortbow requires a lot of strategy to use; on top of energy management and limitations, and it should be rewarding for being hard to use. So I thought: when the devs will give it some love? I had some ideas for SB3, like being able to choose where the arrows would converge or greatly reducing the width of the skill so it would be easier to hit multiple arrows. For SB2, just fix the skill so the arrows would hit the freaking target while they're walking. OOOOORRRRR, maybe remake those skills for defensive or mobility options. What are your thoughts? (I also think that Kalla needs some tweaks, but i'll save that for another discussion). That's my first post, btw :)
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