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Oblivia.7430's Achievements

  1. I came across a Reddit chat dated 10 years ago about reporting in GW and apparently Area Net used name and shame. I don't know why they stopped but I can imagine all the Americans banging on about free speech even though they don't pay for a subscription and signed an agreement with Area net. If you want to find Google 'gw why are people such dicks in chat'?
  2. I'm back again after a long break. Originally from 2019. Can't remember the name of guild i was in. Have mostly fully leveled characters. Love spontaneous groups that I come across on my travels. Know a few things but don't consider myself an expert player, always have had trouble dodging! In the Southern Hemisphere so playing times may seem odd. Think I'm on a U.S server. Very, casual. I play a Holosmith Engineer (jeweler/ cook), Druid Ranger (Weaponsmith/ Huntsman), Mesmer and Weaver Ele (Artificer/ Tailor) who I will elite skill on the EoD elite skill. I have a Guardian who is not fully levelled. Have PoT, PoF, Ice Brood Saga. Main goals are masteries and getting all specialist trainings to achieve more abilities and mounts (would be happy to achieve Griffon).
  3. I have played this game on and off since 2016 and it does make you learn in some round about and odd ways, eg I was having so much trouble at the beginning of EoD with the jumps. So I went back and made myself a new Mesmer leveled him up all the way to 80 -Bam! I Knew that I should be able to portal myself and others, went to practice, realized there was something way off with my ground targeting that I needed to fix in the options controls { huge intake of breath } and then, of course, I realized that's exactly why I couldn't use the cannonball mech from Aurene and so that HUGELY round about way of doing things taught me how to use some of the Mesmer's skills, to stick it out with what I find to be frustrating must-do story paths and a bit of confidence with jumping. You do need to push yourself a bit. That does not mean that I am a fan of MUST do story lines - particularly when it is stopping access to maps purchased. Having to do boring, slog it out story lines - Outreach I'm yelling at you! is very aggravating - It's not like my character actually has a set of NEW moves they need to practice! Why not have the map accessible and parts to the storylines blocked if a player doesn't want to be crossing off a list of effing chores? I have tooled around very happily fighting when I must on a map partly played as storyline, partly played as gathering and exploration. I have 3 mounts and different skins for them all and I am really only ready to think about working for a Griffon now. The ridiculous amount of work that needs to happen for a Skyscale is, I think, punishing but it probably makes it more worth while to those that manage to stay with it and get the reward, I hope so, anyway. Still I think it is a good balance of buying some things that may make other things attainable and getting in game gold to buff up your gear. Not one of my characters have completed the map and one of my most rewarding characters to play slogged it out to level up and has only just now reach level 80. It's a great game just not all the time, I don't think there is such a beast.🤨😉
  4. Elementalist absolutely needs an alternative weapon set or boosting pet or something before elite skills kick in ( and not even automatically) after level 80 when the get to use a sword. If you can get them a great dagger set you sometimes have a fighting chance when alone. New weapons and combos add a great deal to a game and game character and can be very satisfying when the right combination is found.
  5. how could it be good business to make a large chunk of your players feel they are not getting the full game "immersion" . I think it's fairly reasonable to ask for a Cyrillicalphabet for chat. Perhaps a Far European North in game guild is an idea for playing on the same server in the same time zone? Good luck. ;)
  6. I'ma BoB now AND I got my own Springer :3 . Watched a youtube clip from a couple of years ago about guilds and guild ettiquete and he pointed out that if peeps arent always on the one guild the guild misses out on all the everyday gameplay points and so it's not cool to be representing more than one. Is this still the case? Also having trouble finding you guys on discord. happy weekend.
  7. yeah g'day bro relative newish here. I'm in australian east coast time. I got invited into a guild called Teh hell and I'm sure they are nice peeps an all but they never seem to be around when I need them. I haven't been very active in group anything organized but I do always try to help out if I find myself in a situ where i think I can - help, that is, but so far I mainly solo.So I'd like an invite and I really need some help with PoF game getting mastery points so my level up points aren't a complete waste now that I'm boosted level 80 and need mastery points to get my mounts and need mounts to get my masters. hope to see you in game. I have PoF & HoT.
  8. Oh, to stay on topic, any Sylvari that spouts 'Everything has a right to grow' or/& Taimi for her boring feisty, ballsy, lame -o smart arsery - pretty bad writing you writing people that have jobs writing things for characters to say. :p
  9. I have to agree with Dante.1508 about HoT but I thought it was my comeuppance for frreewheeling to level 80. I went from flipping about here and there listening to one engineer repeatedly whine ' I like muffins, too" to being called Commander and having to lookout for quicksand. It is hella difficult and while that's good thing to be pushed through here and there piling it on with relentless numbers of very difficult regular spawning enemies is just really frickin' annoying - those mmf*(k^£g thorn vines. Oh, and that was all before I had a mount. Look, there is a fine line between challeging and stupid, this we all know and I think it's a good thing to be made to seek other players advice and you tube tutes but ya gotta be able to wander around a bit and enjoy the places you come across without being downed in half a second by level 80 spawn. It's the eternal balance question I guess. I'm still playing so......
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