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xuxu.6179's Achievements

  1. Personally I think, top stats in its current state are kinda meeeh. Rating based on that will lead people to always try to teamfight on points, no matter what. Stealing kills on npc? Well, has no effect for the top stats, so the team might win the game but no personal gaining anything rating based for it, so the one whos going for it has high impact for nothing.Stealing bases? Well, give some points and maybe they get top stat for attacking, but basically dropping any chance for top healing/dmg/kills/revives and maybe not even get defense/offense stat, depending on where the teamfight is. Or what about the allrounder hybrids, who can have huge impact overall, but always are slightly behind in any aspect. Have seen Hybrids who were carrying the team and ended up with like one top stat. Still mvp of the game. Not to mention the fact, that top stats are barely a garantuee of a well played game. On some classes I had huge impact on winning the game, ending up with 1-2 topstats, on other classes I just push in teamfights, shoot on anything in my line, getting 3-5 top stats, but did nothing impressive. I appreciate the idea of benefit good players more than carried players, but therefor the whole system should be reworked. In my personal opinion: There isn't only one top stat, you are getting placement meds for each stat (legend, platin, gold, silver, bronze). Anything above bronze gives you eg +0.25 rating.MVP -> each points is calculated together with modifiers (defense/offense *1000 for example). Everything counted together and the player with most points get the mvp (+2 or +3 rating)Rework offense! Any point you gain for your team should become the new offense (bells, npc kills, points from bases you (also) capped, kills/stomps).Rework defense! Any point you "removed" from the opponent team should become the new defense (decapping points, revives, interrupt on enemy stomps (if something like this is possible to track), etc.)Shared boons/condition removed should become an additional stat ressourceStill far away from a perfect balanced system, but a lot closer to it than the current state.
  2. well what do you expect to happen when glass hits glass? Well, that both are dead...?! That's at least what usually would happen if glass hits glass. :#
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