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roederich.2716's Achievements

  1. you need significant amount of lifetime if you want to play pvp in guildwars2. its not for the casual player by now anymore. tons of specs , tons of weapons per spec... the possibilities are so step you need to ofc know all of it or are likely to get wiped. then you have arenanet who is designing this game solely after their own purpose. that means if there are new specs or weapons inside a payed expansion these are superior to make people buy them regardless if there is any fun with it. alot player usually quit the game after they finish their university cause real life, having a job, making a family, taking care for assets and gw2 pvp is not compatible. also experienced players who have quit told exactly that their real life dont allow to play the game at a top level. so judge for youself if its fun for you. if its no fun consider leaving it cause you will not change the thight business fist anet holds on to since years. noone changed it and it will stay like it is.
  2. the top players earn their ranks by wintrading already. you know what happens if there be an official surrender function? they will queue snipe their matches even more and surrender for their friends on the other side. as long as anet is (for whatever reason) not willing to perma exclude team usa, ice cream and other cheaters from the game forever dont even think to suppor them with such function.
  3. if they make gw3 i hope they dont make the same error of creating specialisations again. 1-2 new classes every expansion is the way to go cause regarding competitive pvp/wvw this game is just a mess. the streamers words "more more more more more is better better better better" did not acknowledge.
  4. it's the average daily maker veteran typing "fight on point" causes new players just push into every damage there can be inside the node and die. teammate 3 posting "GG" after first engage and stays at spawn. teammate 4 still typing "fight on point and get out the damage!11 11111!11 !" teammate 5 (the new guy) is now confused "how shall i fight on the point and not be in damage?" teammate 1 ALT+F4
  5. tbh i dont see any of this "chaos" and also dont see people fighting each others in discord so the officials would need to rule it. i dont think we have any demand to set up preassure so people have to behave different than they do atm.
  6. 16 million registered accounts maybe. we had a survey once where over 50% admitted to have more than 1 account. We can only hope for a GW3 community wakes up and uses their brains again. GW2 had a playerbase with a horrible consumer behaviour. no wonder nothing moved and changed for the good if anyone just buys whatever comes on their plate...
  7. is the cassiano account banned again by now? saw it unbanned on reddit lately.
  8. Please make us a bookshelf in our home instance. every book read should be automatically unlocked in the shelf then be it books in our inventory or books which are fix placed in the world or instances or where else. that way one can read any books again at any time and there could be an achievement for unlocking certain amount of books and such. ty
  9. yeah performance as well as temperature are the big questions on this for me. specially thinking of wvw zerg fights this would be a huge challenge for such tablet-pc thingy. I can guess putting it to a 30fps limit would be necessary in wvw to keep the temperature moderate. maybe it requires even to get a cooler pad underneath to help with that. but i dont have anyone in my relationships who got such bigger tablet I could try GW2 with to test it. as thats best to do or hear from someone who uses such successful already.
  10. Hello everybody. Im currently thinking of combining work equiptment with gaming to have less PC and laptop around. Is anyone running GW2 on Microsoft Surface Tablet like 9 pro or such and can share some experience? Hows the performance? What about heating? Is the game running stable? Thanks for sharing in advance.
  11. You can currently have 5 guilds. these guilds get each one slot in the guildpanel g1 - g5 I want to be able to allign the slotnumber as I want them to be. Like if I have a guild which got assigned to g5 i want to be able to move it to g1 to be the first guild that appears when i open up the guildpanel because i want to have my mainguild appear directly instead of needing to select it every time. thanks
  12. Why directly ask for moderators just because people post their opinion?
  13. there is no player my "god and saviour". i only posted their names cause one of your troll community brought these names up first. read again how thin skinned your are in all this process. you better seek for social worker in your town instead of computer games. everyone knows specially vallun testing alot of builds for their website so whatever you had for one trick pony luck there you still seem to only have this footage and nothing representative. also your unqualified and polemic posting about wanting phone numbers of good players shows that your are random joe as if you would be any good you already had them players on your friendlist to duell and not only your troll community who dont understand your videos but think you are good just because you kill some afk guys who try to get their weekly... so please be so kind and stop making discussion videos with no footage to that as new players only see your crap and actually believe the game is bad. this is harming the reputation of the game and the revenue of arenanet in fact.
  14. this is not the initial topic. the initial topic is "cele op" while he only skill clicks on afk pve players. waiting for cele vs good players still. btw he seems pretty much at end needing to upload such video with different topic now.
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