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ViperWire.4261's Achievements

  1. I will release one of our secrets since 2012 We have multiple socks (unbleached organic wool preferred) Do with that as you may
  2. This has been the case since flying players stealing orbs in WvW back in 2012; Anet just ignores and focuses on locking forum threads.
  3. Anet official response on the matter: There is no report option for cheating because there is no cheating Meanwhile videos showing people flying around, account names shown, cannot show more evidence than that and no action gets taken. Incoming cope from players that claim they do ban hackers but just do not announce it.
  4. The first step in killing the Owl Griffon npc in Edge is to get Anet to acknowledge that Edge of the Mists exists
  5. This whole thread can you imagine creating this thread (OP can)
  6. It was pretty impressive that the guard chased that far even though I was taunting him a few times during the chase, most people would learn and stop chasing. I am sure at other parts in the video I have other encounters where I fight and I often /bow /salute players that commit to a 1v1 and do not run or call reinforcements. Or if a lower rank player commits to a 1v1, I /bow /salute and get out of combat to let them self res once downed. I enjoy any 'proper' fights I can take part in and there has always been a mutual respect with most other players regardless of servers or guilds to not interrupt fights and to acknowledge to the other player "good fight" or similar. The ones that do not have this mutual respect can get emotes and siege thrown on them, you have to earn respect. I appreciate it, I definitely did not anticipate it would take so long to process the video on youtube's end, I suspected hour(s) at most and will definitely wait until it's fully processed before I post another. Until next time :)
  7. That guard would also have his friends close enough that they stealthed and would wait for the 1v1 engage to appear and gank. Really pointless to bother fighting that in an "honorable" way.
  8. I figured there were enough montages out already and did not edit any of my recording especially chat which is a usually good portion of WvW. I do not use voice chat which is why I type so much, I prefer chat and tagless commanding. *Depending on when you view, it might still be in 360p, the video will be 1440p when youtube servers catch up and finish converting.
  9. For what it is worth, I played WvW on release as soon as I was able to under level 10 playing with a bunch of uplevels confused about siege and larger scale fighting at first. I do not recall what level that was but I've been on this game since beta and primarily play WvW. I commanded before anyone on Maguuma could afford a commander icon (even with guild members donating to their guild leaders), I roam, I used to run as a guild group, and I have zerged. I breathe, eat, sleep WvW and on multiple accounts since beta. If you have only a few years of experience with WvW you would not have the first hand knowledge of what worked in the older days of WvW and it would be very unlikely that you would have the same perspective on what works in WvW compared to what does not work. This does not mean that I am 100% right about everything, but it should explain for the different approaches in readers/posters thoughts. I played to have fun in WvW, ppt and fights were never the priority but we made sure they happened, having fun is the priority and will always be. PPT and fights will come when you are having fun and will increase the enjoyment of WvW if you do not have a commander that complains anytime someone rallies an enemy or our server loses something, that is not fun to be barked at in a video game that most people are playing to get away from that aspect in their real life. Nobody wants to be hired as a WvW player and get yelled at when things go bad, all the bad commanders would always do this and I have witnessed too many to keep count; that is why people enjoyed following me more than others. I am and have never been an elitist that only allows guild members or people on voice chat to follow me, I will be the first one in the fight and the first one to revive an ally where it may down me to do so. This mentality is not so common in a game mode that encourages selfish behavior when that is all that you see around you, this is part of a core issue within WvW that Anet will never be able to address because it is a societal issue. The only way to address this is to be less of a negative player, less self-serving, and try to have fun.
  10. Edge of the Mists needs not to compete with PvE rewards, PvE will always offer better reward efficiency for time investment. In fact, Edge of the Mists does not need to compete with anything else. Rather having pips in Edge of the Mists at the very least gives an outlet of those that are bored of running the very same raids/dungeons/fractals day after day. There will always be negative players both in game and outside of the game that cannot be pleased by anything that is done. These are not the players that Anet needs to cater to as there will never be a victory in doing so; this is mostly why we are in such a state of decay with WvW. Along with this, why would anyone be so overly concerned with their server's WvW rank/war score/tier ranking at this point in the game. It's hard enough to have fun without considering those arbitrary rankings and numbers; this isn't 2014 WvW tournament, you are allowed to have fun however that be. If players do not care about home WvW ranking/score, Edge of the Mists would not be the reason, people are bored of WvW score/ppt in a way that would require restructuring from the foundation which is not likely to happen before the Gw2 servers go offline. The best we can hope for is more options in our WvWing that would allow a less stale approach to the numbers game and this will not be due to skill balances/AoE limits/or most other suggestions that Anet seems to have been looking into. Edge of the Mists receiving pips as a band-aid until alliances can finally be implemented (if ever) , then go from there and see what can improve the health/quality of WvW. Variety is the spice of life and I am not here to convince anyone away from their beliefs regarding WvW, but answer this; if pips were a mere toggle that takes 5 seconds to implement, why would you be opposed to it?
  11. It should not take much if any significant amount of time to implement pips into Edge of the Mists. I definitely would not want to halt other WvW development to make this happen, but what we are discussing is a feature already in the game that should be a matter of toggling on/off. This should not take more than an hour at best (likely a few minutes) whereas most of the headache would come from trying to convince stubborn upper management to stop gatekeeping a mode they obviously have such little interest in. It would be nice if they restored the rewards as Moira Shalaar stated above, at this point I understand most of us will take whatever we can get regarding WvW improvements. Although, again adjusting the rewards should be a matter of changing numbers that take minutes, this is not asking for a rework or balance of any kind. Further improvements to WvW should not focus on skill balance as much as more incentive to play WvW. Skill balance has always and will always be an issue that no matter what you do there will be those who do not agree with changes and those that do agree with changes. Usually those that are buffed like the changes and those that were nerfed dislike the changes, but we can all agree that more WvW rewards/incentives to play would be a net positive. When you get deeper into 'fixing' WvW, you need to realize that the people you are asking to fix WvW do not have the same respect for the game mode as most of the players I have met in WvW. Anet staff have not put in anywhere close to the same amount of time in gameplay and will always be outsiders looking in trying to fix something they truly do not and likely will not ever fully understand. The entire WvW population will not agree on much regarding skill balances, keep this in mind when you say X needs nerf or Y needs buff, most of the issue is that players get bored in WvW after having played so long and venture into other areas of Gw2 or to other games. It is often not a problem of skill balance when this happens and maybe returning to old ways such as waypointing in through the repel timer and a few other factors could help band-aid WvW while they work on whatever has been in the works for this long. Edge of the Mist becoming active again will not split the population. Anyone claiming that adding pips to Edge of the Mists will split WvW is approaching this incorrectly. WvW is for WvW, Edge of the Mists is the perfect in between for PvErs that want to ~WvW. If your home WvW population declines due to Edge of the Mists becoming more active, understand that the enemy's population would have similar decline. This would increase the quality of home WvW since those players are the ones often repairing walls and afking for pips or otherwise. PvErs that dungeon/raid/fractal would be joining Edge of the Mists again as well since is it a much lower stress WvW enviroment, these players are not often seen in home WvW unless there is an achievement or event which is extremely rare already.
  12. Add pips to Edge of the mists, keep mounts out.To do so should not take too much effort from the few remaining Anet staff to add pips and this should improve fight quality on home WvW and give an outlet for people that want to zerg/ktrain everything. So much could have been done or rather not done to avoid this state of decay in WvW, but given where it is right now, what do we have to lose with seeing if bringing pips to Edge of the Mists improves quality in home WvW and improves quantity in Edge of the Mists. Back in it's prime, populated instances of Edge of the Mists enabled the WvW community to communicate with players from other servers which was great most of the time. Granted the overall Gw2 population has declined greatly since then. A lot of players that were bored of PvE and not attracted to the semi-serious nature of home WvW would go into Edge of the Mists for a more relaxed WvW experience (this was also before auto upgrades and someone asks for donations to pay for Keep upgrades). It was not as demoralizing for new players or more casual players when we lose objectives in Edge of the Mists compared to home maps where chat is likely complaining if an upgraded objective was lost. I know firsthand a good amount of PvE players with little to no interest in PvP would end up in Edge of the Mists and followed me only to tell me how it was the most fun they have ever had in Gw2 when the match was over or when they had to leave. It even helped some commanders that were not so capable in home WvW learn some of the basics of leading without such a strong backlash if you failed to win a fight or attack/defend an objective. Edge of the Mists even helped guilds that were split across servers WvW together when they were the same color/team without needing to transfer, especially helpful for those guild mates on other servers that have not signed in for a while but are the same color/team as you (often not these players either did not have enough gold or incentive to transfer to their friend's server). Nowadays in Edge of the Mists you would be lucky to find 1 enemy at any given time much less find a sizeable group that is taking objectives and/or ambushing incoming enemies. I know that I would go to Edge of the Mists commanding pugs again even if there were only enough people to fill 1-2 instances and I am sure there are others that would too. As a Maguuma player since beta, I do not ever recall any Anet devs playing on our server in WvW. Magswag, GLFR, and the blessed trolling was far too overwhelming for Anet staff to comprehend, especially in WvW. Although, in Edge of the Mists there were a few times we had someone from Anet play on the same team and were able to offer feedback for home WvW and Edge of the Mists that actually was implemented. Equally, there were a lot more Anet staff on enemy teams in Edge of the Mists than in our home WvW which offered the best kind of loot bags and was also refreshing to see Anet staff playing their own game which is much better than devs that 'balance' game modes they do not actively or competitively participate in.
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