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just.9782's Achievements

  1. Glider skins and glider dyes to be tied to equipment templates. Or something similar. I can change my outfit to another i have saved with a single click but then i have to manually change and dye my glider to match. Style is the main reason i even buy equipment templates. There is no much need for them if you have many characters
  2. I came here for this. I salvage stuff in bulk. How come there is salvage all blue, green and yellow but not orange? I call that discrimination based on color! Also since i'm here, extract all should be a thing too
  3. YES. You should get those AP taken from you. You didn't rightfully earn them. You got the achievements. Keep those. The AP should be universal. It Is how things work everywere. This system is broken.
  4. How close minded are you? He was very clear 1.An MMO that has many people finishing it simply adds another expansion and achievements. But those can still be finished 2. He said it so many times. no free stuff. Just let people do them 10 times like veterans and catch up. It will take me the same time and efford. Its not free. 3. Read more carefully. The numbers were an example. GW1 shoul just give unique skins or titles not points that people measure and compete in the leaderboards. Simple. 4.Whenever every festival is up to allow us to repeat the annual until we have reached the cap 5. If someone in 3 years have played the same time with someone who plays for 10. Then YES. He should expect to be equal! Because they have played the same time. if next year one have more play time than the veteran simply because they have more free time. They should be able to pass them in the leaderboard. Why do leaderboards even exist?
  5. I just open the forums to say this exact thing. Thankfully i found this thread so i am not alone. The click pixel or whatever is called should be at the very edge of the cursor design. And the cursor should be pointy not round (accidental "The Dictator" reference). QOL changes are always welcome. And this patch is godsent. But this mouse cursor just doesn't work.
  6. Oh so no one has all the dyes unlocked? Wth with this company's strategy? Timegating dyes and unobtainable ones for everyone!!! Who thought of this? Imo Any timegate longer than a year is stupid. I don't know who in there keeps doing this in so many aspects of the game....
  7. @Ariurotl.3718 So the wiki is wrong? It's not once per account?
  8. Hi, i decided to unlock all the dyes but i see that there are 6 dyes that are not tradable on tp. According to wiki they can be chosen from a Committed Anniversary Achievement Box. On a character's 9th birthday once per account you can chose one of them. What about the other 5? Is there another way to get them? Related link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Committed_Anniversary_Achievement_Box
  9. log in and game server down? map changing kicks me also if i ever manage to log
  10. "Fixed a bug with jade bot scavenger protocols. Scavenger protocols will no longer work when killing players." No more jade bot loot bags. Because apparently arenanet doesn't want wvwers to have any gold. Just PvE players get to have extra drops. To those of you who only play wvw. I feel sorry for you.
  11. All of you who complain about one of the easiest group contents ever should remember that you play an MMO. If you wanted to play a solo game there is a million amazing solo games on steam. You decided to play a cooperative game. And you complain that it needs cooperation? Get out of your bubbles! The strike is easy. If you think understanding basic english and reading the strategies from your commander is hard then maybe just don't get the turtle. What can i say. Also yes. You should get kicked if you refuse to play the proper gear and build. This is group content in a group game which you chose to play. And you wonder why people ask you what will you bring to the group? ...You can play whatever you like on your own and in open world. Don't be mad that people kick you if you don't even bother to try. Not even bother to learn a basic rotation of your skills. By the way. The build is literally copy paste from snowcrows. The gear can be simple exotic with cheap sigils and runes. and the rotation you just have to look the basic skill priority in snowcrows. It takes not even an hour to learn the basics of any dps build.
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