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Xavier Eledhwen.6901

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Xavier Eledhwen.6901's Achievements

  1. IF you have a gilded hollow gh you can fish there too
  2. Went to do this today, the event looked bugged, with him holding the bomb and all. But when I jumped in the water, the flowers where on the bottom, so I picked one and got credit for the A Blooming Errand achievement.
  3. Good day all,As the title states I am looking for a guild that doesn't mind having a semi-hardcore, 58 year old, player in it. I have been playing GW since Nightfall in GW1 with a few breaks and I am on the SOR Server. I love to PVE and the story line, not into PVP at all, Dabble in Fractals and would like to get into raiding. I use to play WvW a lot before I look a break 5 years ago, then 4 years later I returned to what seemed like a whole new game! When I came back the Guild hall was pretty empty and most the guildies have moved on, but a few old friends show up from time to time. So after being back for a little over a year, I am looking for active guild to participate in. If I had to list the order that I like to do things it is;PVE StoryWork on my LegendaryRaidFractals (LvL 28)
  4. I do wonder, if Jumping puzzles are so great,they why can they not stand on their own, why do they need to be mixed with other achievements and such?
  5. Make these: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_Treat You're welcome.this part is before them, this is when you have to get the eggs, it took me a about another week but I got the egg, and it was painful - literally, my arthritis did not like it at all.
  6. I go it! I pushed the W just a little before the jump, and released half way through the jump and I hit the mark, only took me several hours.....
  7. I really hate Jumping puzzles, fthe arthritis in my hands makes it difficult since I am not a nibble as need be.. Yes I am old, not everyone who games is young and healthy, I normally just pass on them, but when the become required for something important, say like the Skyscale Egg - Acrophobia, It keeps me from getting a skyscale, which I would really love to have. So while I spend hours doing something I hate, instead of something I enjoy like running around doing metas, maybe even some raiding. That is not what I am paying for. I left GW2 4 years ago because of these darn puzzles, a friend convinced me to come back, and except for the jumping puzzles I have really liked it. Please ANEt remember some people in this game have physical limitations....
  8. Holding the W while charging helped a lot, thank you HnRkLnXqZ.1870 , now I over shoot, but I will get it in a few days, my arthritis limits how many times I can try this at a time.
  9. I have gotten all the other eggs except Acrophobia. I go to make the last jump from my spring to the Concentration of magic and I literally scrap the nose of my springer on the column on the way down. I hold the "W" key down the entire jump but just cannot seem to make it. Any tips on how those of you who have gotten this did it???
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