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AkumaKazama.8426's Achievements

  1. Are you guys still recruiting? I am story wise stuck in PoF. I think....I'm Done with HoT. I a few characters, thinking of starting over with Necro. Looking for a place where if i ask questions, within reason they get answered as well as groups to get through other various parts of the game. I like you guys are a multi-game community. You seem to understand if I take a break and come back.
  2. Are these from area's past HoTs? I haven't made it into the newest exapnsion yet.
  3. "You haven't said much about your build...." My build can best be described asRanger - Longbow Beastmastery - what they have on Metabattle there just not the "gear".I was looking to make either Maurader or Bezerker stats, or mixing the two to gear.You guys know you eventually can craft your own Ascended armor. Leveling Huntsmans isa ways away for me. "So my first question is in what way does your character feel weak? Does it take them too long to kill things or do they die too easily?" It seemingly takes forever to kill something. My pet hardly holds aggro so i am forced to try and kite. I've tried bouncing from Pwr to condition damage but sometimes the condi works and sometimes it doesn't, meaning the mobs fall not immediately but in a reasonable time for me. Not sure if i am supposed to have the ability to do "hero" point challenges solo but..no i can't. About getting trinkets and such first. I hardly see any not linked to achievements that i fail at completing. Some have the criteria of "not getting hit" etc. I was getting back into the game doing LW3 Stuff i think with the bloodstones. The mobs were ok solo but when they bring buddies i go down easy. Story "bosses" were the main sense of me feeling weak outside of knowing the mechanics it takes a while.
  4. All the data I seem to find is from either '14 or at most '17. A little back story about me, Been playing since launch. Don't even have a Legendary weapon. I would love to join others but I don't get too... I do ok...in the open-world but I feel weak. I have full exotic with Sigils of the Ranger. (cant afford Scholar). Is Ascended Armor worth it in my case? I play a ranger. I don't have Soulbeast unlocked. I thought Ascended gear allows you to switch stats or is that some other special gear. I can't seem to understand the past answers where it was said it "isn't" worth it, why even put it in.I am sorry to ask this yet again but maybe since I asked in my way, ill understand the answer...better I hope.
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