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  1. Oh yes, between the airships, charr choppers, robo warriors and tanks, we are essentially in the modern day now. With humans left desperately behind. She never says she believes Jormag to be "good". She rather puts it in a "better the devil you know" manner. But I agree that her stance is a bit odd and naive for the character. I am not a Taimi fan, mind you, but even I found some of her wording during this season rather unfortunate and "anti-smart". She has seen so much evil during her short life and she never let herself fall victim to obvious manipulation - so her naive statements about Jormag don't make much sense to me for the character, either. We have repeatedly seen her self-righteous "good intentions" SEVERELY blow up in her face, what? 3? 4? times now? GW2 isn't going anywhere. Some of the team said on stream they wanted to work on an expansion after LWS4 but It was decided they would do the Icebrood saga instead and then half way trough the Icebrood Saga they got the go ahead for an expansion and had to shift focus onto that. That's why the story feels short and rushed, Champions is wrapping up what should've been a much larger story with a very small team while the rest are working on the End of Dragons Expansion coming later this year. As for seeing Cantha again, I don't know if you've seen but the concept art they showed for EoD are locations in Cantha. I really hope your are right, but at this point, I am not optimistic. Only time will tell.
  2. Yeah man, I agree. Taimi's actions are absolutely unthinkable. We all know why it was going to be this way. My biggest concern is that GW2 is rapidly circling the drain, and it makes me sad to think it may be gone soon. They simply don't have the resources or willpower to continue supporting the game. We are flying through the rest of the story at warp speed, with less content per plotline then ever. We were teased the the tengu were coming back, because we wanted to see Cantha again. And this was a very cheap way to generate excitement in the community. The best I can hope for is a "Little Cantha" somewhere in Tyria. We will never see Cantha again.
  3. I don't think that it is rose tinted glasses, GW1 was just a much better game than GW2, and that might just be "my opinion man" but the game play was great, so many awesome characters, environments and the classes felt unique in their identities. Mesmer, assassin, and ritualist all had unique and interesting ways they were played. And you CHOOSE your skills. Who could forget the amazing characters, Brother Menhlo and Master Togo in Factions, Gwen and her crusade in the EOTN, and Kormir and her rampant stupidity in her fight against Abbadon. Giant sea turtles used for battle across a sea turned to jade. What do we have now, 7 classes that provide the same roles, same boons, same mechanics, with standardized armor and health. And the same copypasted story about "coming together" to fight one generic evil baddie dragon who just "wants to destroy" everything, and killing them with tanks, airships, cannons, and portals.
  4. This is a hilarious post "just build your entire class trying to get your 2nd dodge back, and lets nerf the rest of your damage skills for good measure, I need some ez mesmer kills to pad my K:D ratio" Why do people like this exist?
  5. The numbers man! They don't lie. He crunched the numbers. Very well then, who am I to stand in the way of science?
  6. What the fuck is even this thread? Every class is S tier or A tier? what happened to B an C tier classes?
  7. Imagine, if you would, for a second. That a mirage got 2s of stab every time he used a 3 clone shatter, broke stun and healed for 10k HP. Every single person would scream their little head off until it popped. Now, what if I told you, that is exactly what Foot in the grave does, but for Necros. And everyone was just okay with it, and never brought it up.\ Necro is beyond insane, even before the new balance patch, reaper was an absolute monster dealing massive autoattacks in shroud form and farming the entire enemy team in teamfights. The only way to beat a necro was to have your own, better necro. Now, it just absolutely clown world, with their autoattacks still dealing over 4k dmg in their shroud. There is no counterplay to necros whatsoever, and I see the necro mains saying "just CC them, bro! git gud lulz!" What good is that when they have a 9s cd stunbreak that gives 2 seconds of stab, most classes only have 15-20k hp, saying in close range of something that can deal 4k autoattacks to you is an absolute death sentence. Moreover, I could blow every CD only my skill bar and still not drop the 40-50k effective HP a necro has. And their downed state is just a straight fuck circus. I can't help but laugh after watching that bullshit. Foot in the grave needs 90s ICD and shroud regen needs a sledgehammer. Maybe you don't get toughness or armor in shroud form, or massively cut the regen on shroud form. But its a bad joke right now.
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