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Manasa Devi.7958

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  1. Some skin variety would be nice so I can finally give my mech a nicer name. "Big stupid Eyesore" although appropriate, isn't very nice.
  2. I generally dislike armor/outfits looks in GW2. I always go for the least offensive look I can manage. I don't like how any of my character's look, but they sure look better than most others I run into.
  3. I'm guessing we'll need purified kryptis essences and one would expect obsidian armors to use a bit more actual obsidian than the tier 1 version does.
  4. I hope it does get to look a bit more luminous. I have the heavy version, dyed with bright colors in the "highlight" channels that contrast nicely with a darker base color. That is, as long as I'm in brightly lit areas. In low light environments though, it just looks drab, almost no contrast remains. It also has a bit of a plastic look to it, where I'd hoped for a bit more of a metallic sheen. Very disappointing, I don't even use the skin on characters I actually play, I just have it equipped on a parked character.
  5. I guess it's my play style, but I've never had too few mastery points at any point. You can just spend the ones you're saving and earn more to have ready by the time you're ready to start on a new mastery track. There are many more points available than you need to max everything. It makes sense to me to lock masteries for mounts you don't have yet. How can you master a thing you haven't even done once, excepting rentals.
  6. Three mystic coins per day for a week is a lot better than what we got for the previous "return to" events. Except for the original run of course.
  7. There's little content I can do that doesn't complete most of my dailies at the same time. I would need to go out of my way to avoid doing them.
  8. I once accidentally crafted a wrong legendary component, wasting a lot of time and effort. Someone on the forum told me CS could help me reverse that, so I emailed them explaining the situation. They asked me to delete the wrong item. Less than 4 hours after my mistake I got the wasted resources back. User error of course, but very helpful and lenient assistance there. Another time I broke the device I used for two step authentication and was locked out of my account. Also solved within a day. CS has always been great for me.
  9. I have a minimum height asura with a mini pet that's taller than him. 😄
  10. There just shouldn't have been account bound irems in the guild upgrade requirements. It's just not a logical thing to do for community based activities.
  11. If they log exact timestamps for the opening of individual task chests they might be able to see that you opened the weekly chest before you opened any of the individual task chests, which should be impossible and would prove your story. They might not log that kind of detail. Wouldn't surprise me if they don't but you could try that approach with support.
  12. Luckily, there's a great way of not ending up overflowing with them: not doing rifts. I made a single weight class of armor and I managed the different essences in such a way I never got stuck with too many of any type. I opened nuggets and rift containers for random essences and balanced out the amounts I needed by opening the convergence hero's choice chests that let you pick one essence type. I only started unpacking containers when I was ready to craft the armor. I still have plenty left for another weight class but I don't think the remaining skins are worth it. Saving them to upgrade my one armor to t2, assuming that requires essences. I hope the next tier is a bit brighter. The heavy t1 armor looks very dull in low light, with hardly any contrast between the color channels, even when using extremely bright dyes. A bit disappointing.
  13. I have never 'sunk' any materials to get research notes. I find them to be a great ascended equipment sink.
  14. I noticed kills only count if you strike the killing blow with direct damage. Pretty annoying to get kills with guardian pistol, even when playing solo. Many kills don't count because of the burning.
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