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Seb De Tyra.3421

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  1. Considering the new expansion will bring a ton of old and new players back/to the game it would be crazy to ignore PvP. PvP the game mode that cost f all in upkeep, it has the most replayability of anything in a game, the players create the content themselves. All you do is provide the maps and PvP structure.
  2. Come EU, 2-3min max 24/7, at least at g2-3, maybe you're too high rating? Every game has that problem. The highest are like 1% the pop.
  3. So true. That's when absolutely no one cares.
  4. Hi, I've been playing now for 2 seasons and I have to say this game's PvP is the best/ potentially the best in any MMO I've played ( wow, FFXIV, ESO, BDO, rift, tera, swtor) but there's some things holding it back. I have some points and things I don't understand that will be phrased as questions as I am new and of course would be open to advice. I'm in gold 2 currently and go between gold 3 and that over and over. I main thief d/p, sometime play soulbeast sic em and power mirage greatsword. Edit: this post turned out to be long, be warned. 1. Being allowed to switch profession at the start of a game? I couldn't believe this, I understand being able to change build on that class but changing to another class completely? Seems crazy to me, especially since people are all just switching to scourge and core necro with pets at the start of a game. 2. I understand they've divided PvP and pve skills which is awesome but why are balance patchs so far apart? It's not like it's hard to adjust some numbers here and there? Also there's a new build nearly very other night where I have to reload the client so I can't see the problem? 3. Maps like Capricorn, Skyfall where you're literally forced to fight on a spot or pretty much lose the game, especially Capricorn, at the start of the game everyone switches to scourge or pet necro or DH to guarantee winning the bell or skyhammer. Which seems really crazy to me and why I think you shouldn't be allowed to switch classes at the start of a game. 4. Why are DH stealth build allowed to exist, it's a one shot build where you can't even fight back due to stealth and they don't even have to sacrifice utility abilities for it as the stealth is from a rune?? 5. Scourge are a joke, you can say l2p and people in high plat can kill them easy but I'm guessing most players are at gold and not high plat and there's pretty much 2 of them every game on either team. I've tried running deadeye as people say this counters them, this is bs as there are 2 on spot and they always take that poison cloud spell which is so hard to see that it's even there. When you do manage to get some burst on them it barely dents their shields. Berserker sic em SB with all buffs up hit them with the knockdown on lb then rapid fire , they just port out of it or break stun, drop poison field and that's all your CDs blown for a long time. You can say well wait until you know all their stun breaks etc are used, this isn't 1v1, it's normally on mid or on node fight for map specific mechanics and there's normally 2 of them so if by a miracle one of them is downed the other resses him in the middle of all their crap where if you're melee you don't want to go near that. Rant over, I hate scourge 😅 6. Enfeeble? Might have the name wrong but the condition that causes glancing blows, seems like a crazy thing to have in the game ( ofc scourge have access to it, because they need that). I would understand in a game without dodge rolls but basically nullifying power builds with a debuff like that is too easy. Yes you can cleanse it but normally you'd want to save your cleanses for condi burst. I might be doing it wrong but irritates me so much. If it was a class ability that did it I could live with it but just a condi that isn't even guaranteed to be cleansed if you have others on you? It probably leads to slow tankg meta currently also as hinders power's burst. 7. I'm out now on my phone so don't have a screenshot but my w/l ratio as of now is nearly 50/50. Maybe 2 wins more. I've seen guys in top 100 with like 5 wins more than losses with same games I've played that are in top 100. How does that work? 8. Bots. Now other games have them too but they get banned in waves. After a certain time at night it's more bots than real players eg a popular one is engis standing on node just pressing flamethrower all game. How is this allowed to go on? 9. I think duo queuing shouldn't be allowed. Not only because I've seen so many games with a duo on their team, sometimes 2 and none on mine, but it doesn't really show your true rating. You'll come up against tons of teams especially late at night with no duos that you will destroy. You'll tell me if you can't beat em join em but I don't want to. I want to climb by myself and not be carried by a teammate or me carry them or have unfair advantage over the other team. I've read one season they stopped it and no one reached legendary that season. Point proven? 10. Thief specific. I try to improve by watching top thief streamers but nearly every game I get forced to go close as " you're the fastest" and if they send a bunker far then that's the point lost. When I get to go mid I ping for stealth up and everyone runs past blind field to go uga buga into mid. Should I switch from d/p to condi or deadeye until like plat 2 as I feel in mid- high gold something that can just kill people fast and is less team dependent might be better? Sorry for the long post but I'm in the pub bored and wrote this on and off during my mate's smoking breaks 😃
  5. Signets trait. So they essentially have 5 or more invuln including sword 2 in a row depending on how many signets you run.
  6. Player pop feels really healthy considering it's just before an expansion ATM. Any pve meta thing I try to do has always got commanders on the map. WvW is also populated as there's queue time to get in at peak hours. PvP is around 2min wait time, 3min in early hours of morning. I've heard it's bad for high plat players but I'm not one of those sadly. Basically yes, it's worth coming back imo, people have said the story is bad now but I've never been into the story in any MMO so I just skip all dialogues to get them done as fast as I can.
  7. Shuriken gliding mount pretty please. It's the only thief- themed gliding mount IMO
  8. I said ESO ripped off GW2 not FFXIV. Read my post properly please. I played FFXIV for 6 months. Doing story mode to get up to the current story made me close to suicidal. You're (Ur?) forced to do it for some reason and it takes forever, the most monotonous thing I've had to do in any MMO and that's saying something. Travel a million miles to somewhere, talk to someone , travel a million miles somewhere else. Talk to someone again zzzzz The combat effects looks cool but is dull. Global cd is crazy long because they made it with consoles in mind and you have a couple of off cd spells here and there. The only thing I liked about the game was playing Eureka from the previous expansion. I cleared all of the story mode in new expansion, did all the maps, beaten the fairy queen on highest difficulty and gotten my weapon from her so all I was left with were dailies or queuing for old bosses for mounts. But when I killed the massive ball boss at the end of Eureka and got the ball mount there was no reason to play that anymore either. So yes I played FFXIV and 90% of the game bored me to tears. Eureka was awesome though best thing about that game by a mile.
  9. You forgot about the most common role in most games : Feeders: this role constantly runs into mid 1v3 expecting to win and dies over and over. They then rage in /t about scourges or thieves and go afk for the rest of the game.
  10. Not a fan of trying to add more micromanaging into pets as they can't be depended on as it is, are buggy as hell and die to aoe. I'd be happy if the new elite spec had no pet at all in it.
  11. Tbh I really liked the theme of soulbeast. All the stances are animal based, you get 3 new skills from the pet you merge with. They should have released it the way it is now with only one pet. That makes more sense. They didn't design the pets skills very well though since smokescale has always been the best pet for power anyway.
  12. Did Frank only ever play necro and ranger? Poor Frank.
  13. I tried wow again for shadowlands and liked it at the start but then after a few weeks it was the same old crap. Do your dailies/weekly for gear from vault or ash for legendary. Grind mythics for hope of good drop. After I beat sire densthrius I just lost all interest in the game. The only good thing that game has goin for it anymore is warmode in open world. BGs were 24min wait for me as well during prime time. People moan about PvP balance in this game but blizzard literally make a couple of things beyond broken every couple of months.
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