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GhandiBot.6257's Achievements

  1. "IMMORTAL HAMMERZERK" *Downstate within first 2 min*
  2. They should just get rid of the ranking system entirely and revert it to the good ol' "Ranked" with the good maps. Honestly, who kittening cares about your ranked in a game that barely does over 1k viewers on Twitch in prime time and has zero competitive scene. I'd rather queue 5 with the homies, have a good time and avoid the CHANCE of getting Spirit Watch. Just have more ATs for competitive gaming, I guess?
  3. Pretty much non-existing in Plat games. This is more of a L2P issue than anything. The game already has enough projectile denial, and you or your team should focus it for a free easy kill instead of letting them free cast.
  4. Tonight on 60 Minutes: ANet, Still kitten With Balancing? Find out tonight on 60 Minutes .
  5. They can be toxic. Naru raged quit on stream with being down 20 points and my buddies both reported him for match manipulation and verbal abuse. Imagine getting mad at a dead scene in a game. Peeps need a life lol
  6. GS. Hammer skills are too telegraphed, long cast times and have a decent skill cap. Great sword has good burst, evade frames, a long block, decent cc and the auto refills energy. Probably the best weapon in the game imo.
  7. Thought of this the other day in pvp. The dmg output and aoe clutter (as a pvper) is too much for a pet to sustain and can be killed easily. I think the revert wouldn't make during viable in pvp (not sure about other game modes) but it's a decent start.
  8. Wow man! Awesome! Only 20 minutes of mesmer game play and you got top stats in an unranked game? That's cray cray! Who needs a bigger sample size of games, right? Whatever you do, don't share your build! All the pro playurz will exploit using it in the next MAT! Just REEEEEEE on them instead and reach rank 1! You got this! We all believe in you!
  9. Aight hear me out. Ranked queue is cool and all if you're a loner. I do ranked queue a bit but I'd say 70% of my pvp experience and the time where I have the most fun is when I play with friends (I'm sure it's the same for many of you as well). Problem is, vast majority of unranked games aren't challenging because there are barely any pre-mades. ATs every few hours isn't sufficient enough. Why not have an AT an hour but reduce the rewards from them and make the QP requirement for MAT significantly higher? Why not also incorporate a separate AT leader board where you can actually register as a 5 man guild team (ya know where you can make a squad and name it in your guild). Also, make these ATs give guild rewards. Idk, I'm just sitting here bored writing this. It'll never happen since ANET has scuffed intern programmers and they focus too much on recycling outfits in GEM Store.
  10. Yes. Get rid of the ONLY challenging game content where you somewhat require skill and above room temp IQ to play.
  11. I don't think you need a 5 man ranked queue but rather an AT at every hour of the day. Make the AT rewards less, and require more QP for MAT.
  12. I hear you. If only there was some way to break out of cc or have a boon that prevents it from happening. Hmmmmm.... 🤔
  13. Wut? The two most busted specs rn are Mech and Vindi. Virtuoso is almost non-existent in p1+.
  14. Yo, How big is the mech's hit box???? It seems huge? You can use it as los to kite around it against projectiles. Wtf is this lol.
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