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knightofmab.2593's Achievements

  1. I’ve long suspected our let log is prettified remains of a sheep but I still think the wool is over my eyes
  2. I'd like one order of wanton soup, some fried green tomatoes and a new outlook on life. At least one of these things you can help with. If you are careful you may hear the sound of beating drums - which is the way to my heart.
  3. Another satisfied customer joined us today. You too could be out here on the beach with us frying up bacon in the snow. But nooooo you chose 'some other guild' with poor decision making capability.
  4. We are still the favorite banana curator for the Upper Midwest. If you've got needs, we'll solve it.
  5. If you've ever wondered is it possible to RP walk across all four maps without dying once to a single enemy...the answer is definitely yes. But only under certain conditions. One must be careful to not have rhythm - otherwise you attract the wurm.
  6. I have been locked into a potato field and all I can find are carrots. Please send help. The only thing I ask is you ignore the banana in the corner. He is sketchy. Far beyond his last date.
  7. Calling all long range snipers. Please report to the dance floor. This is not a drill. Hold on to the arrow cart before you and enjoy!
  8. This next week we are testing our most devious weapon: indivisible llamas. Take that science guy
  9. While we have previously been on such shows as Flops and Crop Tops you can rest assured our quality has not stopped. We are still the kind of people who cultivate cats and bovine equality. Just remember to tip the dungeon master.
  10. Do you remember the time we sang that one song about the rhythm if the night and then the Miami sound machine ran us over? They are vicious fighters
  11. Have you ever wondered about hairless hypoallergenic chart? Ever wonder if asura are really made up of colonies of nanobots? And truly you are just the illusion for answers to more questions like these please press FiB
  12. No commitment necessary at all. We are full of vets and also people who are new to the mode. If folks are online I’d love for them to join my tag but I’m also very understanding of real life. :) Hit me up in discord or in game! We can chat more if you are still interested. Fatherbliss#2680 in discord.
  13. Where dost thou hide thee chicken? Behind thee windmill. For only the daring and distraught shall tread there! Oh and just go ahead and join our guild. You know these posts brought glamour and wit. Or perhaps just a tiny bit of insanity.
  14. Do you in fact want to learn about the sensation sweeping the Ascolonian nation? What do they do to their colons? Why aren’t you in this guild already?
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