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synyster.9708's Achievements

  1. Using a free VPN to NA gave me some what stable game time for the last hour or so, from not even getting past launcher login for an hour straight..
  2. Its gotten so bad, couldn't even login for more than an hour.. there is something seriously wrong with the game server that specifically affects the Asia region harder than others
  3. It happens at random times and places (even doing personal story instance), all kinds of connection issues.. I can understand a few DC here or there, but its getting worse the last few days to a point where I cant play the game for 10+ mins either due to Crazy 3000 Ping, or massive Desync 10-20sec to mount up.. or straight up DC and couldn't log back in.. If its just avoid prime time or avoid zerg then I can understand, but when it happens doing a personal story instance at 2am US time having connection issues for an hour, is a bit much.. I see alot of connection issues on other posts, just trying to figure out if it is server side happening to everyone or I have something to fix.
  4. I wish I'm that greedy on skins, wouldn't have quit the first time. 1 for each mount type is a more realistic goal. I do noticed the unpopular event, wasted quite a bit of time and silver going around looking for active events.. Is there a way to see how many people in the zone, a way to look for nearby groups, or people generally don't join group and go solo? Did the Amalgamated Gemstone chest from VB and CO today. Lots of people at Ley-Line Anomaly. Finally a successful SW full run with enough people. Any other once per day event, or stuff I should be doing? And should I put Sigil (what type) onto the Reaper GS? is that going to be my main weapon until I get Ascended? Do you recommend selling all the loot at the TP? would I earn more selling the Unid Bags rather than salvage it myself? Really appreciate your advice, saved me from many hours looking up guides that might not even give me the answer I want..
  5. Yea I totally get it, its just that I kinda want every right now and do not know what I should aim for... I plan is to grind gold to unlock all the Living World, which I don't have any... that + mount skins would be a hell of a grind (Finally a reason to grind).. One of my biggest problem is choosing what to do first, right now im struggling to find short term goals that would make me money. My play time consist of trying out some new content, doing bunch of random events in HoT one day, do some Dry Top the next... And I have no idea what I'm accomplishing other than getting random loots... right now have 1k Airship parts that I don't know what I should spend on, its hard to know if I'm making progress. Alot of the gold making guide out there aren't targeted at new players, and require heavy investment like home instances.. I don't need the best gold per hour farm, I just need to know what Im content able to do as a fresh 80 to make decent gold per hour.. so I can start gearing up my power reaper and not stuck with the condi boosted gear im in...
  6. For now, I just want to upgrade my gear (from 80 boost gear) and get back to decent power level.. and I do not know how to get there, too many things to do in game.. What is the best way to farm the Zerker gear, there are manys way to obtain the set... Like if there are things that are limited to once per day that have great reward... obviously need to be easy enough with my bad gear.
  7. Gone before HoT, had a 80 Warrior in decent gear at that time.. maxed out some crafting, completed a good portion of open world. World boss and gathering was my daily routine, until I stopped the grind due to lack of personal goals (completed the look I wanted). My question is, what should be my short term goals to get myself back on track? I used the 80 boost to get the mount. What should I include in my daily routine to get some gear and loot? Obviously I have tons of content waiting for me, I plan to do them slowly except i don't want to miss out on some of the one time only per day rewards. Going to play a Reaper, how should I gear up to finish HoT? Other than the regular Daily Quest, should I finish the other dailies? are they worth doing? Any ongoing time limited event? not sure if the Adventure Box Fest is about, should I touch it? In what order should I be spending my game time on first? in a efficient manner.. Thanks
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