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  1. Yup, DD pretty much suck, and i don't like P/D kit so I will roll back to standard D/P or try to master S/D.Or.... Quite true. People didn’t run P/D for the longest time on condi though because people were able to use DB spam and evades on Daredevil to avoid damage on point. That P/D had more team fight utility didn’t matter because people could take 1v3s against middling players and emerge relatively unscathed. Now @Meretrel.3541, if you want to play P/D without the venom share, because you think it will be nerfed or isn’t actually fun to play...I can offer several builds in pure condi or hybrid that do decent damage and aren’t just “drop guild, venom, steal and run away.” Sure, share these build please, it's always interesting what other ppl may come up with
  2. Last time i tried to make condi thief like 4 years ago, and it was kinda fun with all these poisons and bleeding and all that aSsaSSIn stuff.Not so long ago I saw P/D condi build in Vallun's video, with poison sharing through Thievery guild. But it's... doesn't feel right somehow. Yes, the burst is nice, but it feels cancerous, and when you eat ppl alive from range in literally seconds, just by pressing 3 skills, there is no feeling of accomplishment.Now I tried to play through D/D since it's 3 gives a nice amount of poisons and pretty cheap to spam. Damage is nice, I got some AoE, but now it's a troll build, since there is not much sense in using anything but 1 and 3, with occasionally 5. Shortbow can spice things up with claster bow, but that's pretty much it. Trait Leeching venoms in Shadow Arts also COULD be more useful but 3 sec duration between gaining stacks is insane and only useful for duels imhoSo what weapon set is best for a condi build? How to apply as much condi as possible per initiative spent? Is there any reason to switch Rune of the Lynx for increased condi duration runes, and what is better to pick, poison or bleeding? Is it even worth picking up shadow arts, or is it better to stick to Daredevil for extra evades, and dash\impaling lotus?Sorry for maybe dumb questions, and thanks in advance.
  3. Hey guys!Didn't play GW2 for a while, and pretty overwhelmed with changes related to PoF expansion. I lured my friend to GW2 and now we wanna climb in ranked. So I would appreciate any advices for good and preferably interesting combo for duoqueue.My first thought was Herald and Firebrand support, but i'm not sure if it is worthy, since as support I will rely on my teammates a lot, and since I'm pretty sure we will be in bronze after placement, I guess it'll be pretty hard to climb out. Or should we just pick 2 warriors\engineers or whatever? Also would really appreciate any advice on how to impact the game and actually win, not just slaying in the middle of the map. Sorry for any possible typos, and thanks.
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