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Random Weird Guy.3528

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  1. It's a bit ridiculous that spellbreakers get a free invuln+cc every 8 seconds with no counterplay. Unblockable skills do not go through it, because it does not count as a block. Please make this a block so that unblockable skills can go through it.
  2. https://i.imgur.com/eOJgFO3.jpeg While you guys have been complaining about losing games, I have been achieving the best possible rating in the shortest number of games, and with the maximum amount of decay so that I can stay at the same rating for the next 2 months. My entire GW2 PvP career has built up to this moment and I can now retire in peace.
  3. Spawn camping is a disadvantage to the team doing the spawn camping, since it's farther from their respawn. Unlike the other games you mentioned, people do not have to pick up any weapons/upgrades, so are fully capable of fighting upon respawn. So if you're losing to spawn camping, then your team would have lost anyway. Due to this, there isn't really any etiquette about it.
  4. Oh boy are you in for a surprise once you reach ranked 😆
  5. Makes sense, as EU is mostly concentrated within 2-3 timezones, while NA has a much wider range. Australians seem to mostly play on NA too. Although I’m not sure what you’re saying about condi builds, I didn’t encounter any condi in EU platinum this season except for the occasional condi druid. Even condi zerkers have been replaced by spellbreakers as the warrior sidenoder.
  6. Sorry I have updated the discord link and sent guild invites to those who have requested.
  8. We're a new social guild based in the UK, but welcome all players. We started our guild very recently with a vision to provide a chill and welcoming environment for an older group of players, 25+ New players and experienced players are all welcome! Whether you need help with builds and gearing or a veteran player wanting to tick off those achievements towards legendary gear, we will certainly help you out. Our current activities include: Fractals Dungeons PvP Guild Missions Open world content Seasonal/event content As we continue to grow we are also looking to start regular strike runs as well as hero point and other activities as requested. Please message one of the leaders ingame for an invite: KariZev.4235 Random Weird Guy.3528 Alternatively you can join our discord: https://discord.gg/GFMq9r7zWH
  9. “Trash team can’t win when I’m 1v2” “Can’t win games because of idiot teammates” Understand this: The PvP population isn’t large enough to have consistently balanced matches. It is not your teammates’ fault if they are being matched above their level. Flaming them doesn’t solve anything. If you want a higher rating, you have to carry harder. Picture this scenario: You are a platinum player. Your teammates are all silver. Most likely the enemy team has 1 platinum player and 4 silver players. If you are losing, it means that the enemy’s good player is carrying better than you are. So how do you carry these games? There are two main methods: Method 1: Play high dps and win team-fights *fast*. Simply winning the team-fights isn’t good enough, you have to win fast enough that you can snowball the rest of the map. Assume that your teammates have no dps and get the kills yourself before the enemy kills your team. Method 2: Play a side-noder and hold multiple players *without dying*. With huge emphasis on the *not dying* part. Your teammates are going to have inefficient rotations and poor targeting, so they need more time to win those fights even if they have a 4v3 advantage. If you die, then those 2 players you were holding are going to join the fight and destroy your team. Let’s have less flaming people who aren’t at fault for unbalanced matches, more of “what can I do to carry harder?”
  10. Of course p2+ isn't the norm, that's exactly why duoq is such an issue in that rating. Like I said, there aren't enough players to fill 2 teams of the same level once you reach a certain rating, so duoq creates an unfair advantage. Duoq doesn't matter as much in gold and lower because there are usually more than 10 players queuing who are in gold division, so filling a game with gold players is easier than filling a game with plat players.
  11. I agree, the existence of duoq means that you basically have to also be duoq if you want to have a consistent shot at winning higher rated games. Less of an issue in gold and below, since there will usually be enough players to fill 2 teams of the same level. I prefered how it was many years ago, where we had a solo queue and a team queue.
  12. Join our guild, it's Bloody Marvellous [BRUH]! We're a new social guild based in the UK, with a focus on building a close-knit community of players aged 25+. New players and experienced players all welcome! We have discord and plenty of tea to go around Please message one of us in-game for an invite: Random Weird Guy.3528 KariZev.4235
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