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FreeTheJazz.7154's Achievements

  1. I'm out of words. This is just absolutely awful. How on earth can they do this to their players, who just want the best for the game? Again, speechless.Thanks for taking your time and filling me in with the details.
  2. I'm not sure I understand. Is there is a system that makes people win or loose on turn more or less systematically? That doesn't sound ideal.Anyway, what do you think of the entry ranks? If the rewards have a great enough value difference, do you think that would make more players want to invest more time into PvP, and because of that making the game-mode more popular?
  3. Dear PvP devs... Combat is my favorite aspect of GW2. It is innovative, smooth, and fun!I play PvP regularly (conquest), and have over the times thought of my ideas on what the game-mode could benefit from. Entry rank A, B, C, D, E, FWhat can frustrate me the most about the game-mode is when it feels like the matchmaking isn't doing a good enough job.It's rare that the teams feel balanced, and too often the game end up with one of the teams dominating the other.What if the matchmaking was put more in the hands of the player? I'd love to be able to choose at which level of competition for the games with matching rewards.Let's say the PvP menu has an option to choose at which rank you want to compete for your next game.Rank A will be the toughest competition and have the best money-reward, and maybe a daily item to win as well if your team wins?Rank F or how far down the ranks will go will have less competition (easier for newer players) and have lesser rewards.In order for very good players not to just go for a low rank and compete there and make the balance unstable, the rewards must be good and bad enough according to the entry rank. Thanks for reading.
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