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J Seeberg.8650

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  1. Hi, I have been playing gw2 mostly on a PC until now, but I have had to change it out for a iMac for work.I get around 30fps around the different maps which is playable, the settings are at medium. Of course a lot lower on meta events.I have noticed that while running gw2 the iMac uses about 30-40% of its gpu and cpu capacity. I have been trying to search around at the forums for a way to increase the usage of vram, but I have only found older solutions for the 32bit client... Is there a way to improve the 64bit macOS client and increase the CPU/GPU usage other than changing the in-game settings (shadows, textures etc.)? I am quite new to macOS, so all answers are appreciated. I know that the mac client and macOs isnt any good for gaming... so no need to tell me that xDI just feel like either the iMac or the gw2 client is limiting the usage of the resources although they have a lot to go on. Thanks for any answers I get :)
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