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Copper.9507's Achievements

  1. If extra guild slots were purchasable, I would buy at least 5 more in a hot minute. Everyone I know in game agrees. You'd make a pile of money if you made this a gem store item...
  2. The Untamed giant green gaseous cloud elite skill STILL obscures strike mechanics. PLEASE make it more transparent. Or make it disappear with Hide Ally Effects.
  4. Would love if we could consume for volatile magic, trade for other map currencies, or use in ascended food recipes...
  5. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE? My shared inventory slots are limited, and I'd like to put so many other things there... Will totally pay for an all-in-one tome!!!!
  6. Two new items would be WONDERFUL: 1) a portal scroll book that combined ALL the LW seasons/story arcs (taking up my shared inventory slots, y'all); and 2) a guild hall item -- Aurene's crystals/crystalline trees (as seen in the Kralkatorrik Emergence Zone)... especially with the rainbow patterns seen at the Blood Stand Stage. (Hey, the water lilies in that area would be great, too!)
  7. I would pay a great deal for Ascended Aurene mount skins — a look that matches her new one, on ALL mounts, not just the PoF mains. That crystalline dawnlight color...
  8. Things I would buy:1) A Shiverpeaks guild hall! It can have Dwarven ruins, Norn lodge architecture with blazing hearth fires, griffon roosts and lots of verticality to explore!2) Guild hall Black Lion Trading Post representatives, and Mystic Forge. They have everything else; why not those? We'll pay the ridiculous prices for them.3) A Sylvari seed pod/milkweed gossamer glider and backpack set.4) A Sylvari exotic orchid (dyeable) glider and backpack set. Seriously. I'd be on this like stink on a skunk. I love my blossoms.5) The music boxes that drop (very, very, very rarely) in PoF maps. WOULD. PAY. ANYTHING. FOR. KHADIRI'S MUSIC BOX. (When I win the lottery, I'll be commissioning it as a real life item.)6) The ability to purchase bank tabs/storage increase/character slots for friends via the gem store. Because convenience. And money. And role-play. And broke friends.7) Roller beetle skins that match all current mount skin sets. Poor roller beetle. So unloved.8) Please, dear gods, give the Charr and Asura males some decent faces. The Charr males look like bats with red mange, shrapnel scars and mouths full of porcupine quills. The Asura look like either kewpie dolls, or half-melted dildoes with teeth. Angry prunes. Rotting jack-o-lanterns. Seriously.9) A Sylvan Hound jackal skin! I would LOVE a Sylvari-themed mount skin set!
  9. I am utterly in love with the PoF music boxes, but I am NEVER going to get them... can you offer them in the gem store? Please?
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