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  1. this 100%. Anet has lost all touch with game design. The necro needs to be renamed to something else. At this point, it's just false advertising. We have no undead army of skeletons (mages, warriors, healers, etc) no good golem that actually acts as a real golem. No fun with curse mechanics that could have had incredible depth. Nothing that really screams "you are a master of the undead". It's insane that this is how GW2 dies. I wonder why Anet doesn't understand why people play a necro.
  2. This xpack isn't looking good. After playing the necro's new class.... it is clear the devs have lost touch with a lot of basic design. This may be it for GW2 in all honesty. My friends were semi curious about coming back, but when they saw the new stuff, they all had the same reaction "what is this supposed to be?" And I have no answers for them. I guess you can grind like crazy for a legendary and then... I dunno then what? There's still no end game progression and the bad class design is just a slap in the face.
  3. Yes and it is really sad to see an absolute lack of imagination and engineering by Anet in this regard. The new necro is not even close to having anything to do with a necro. No new pets, no AI, no new death control abilities. Nothing. Just a pistol and now we throw elixirs. wow can't wait to play that when I roll a necro. Makes total sense.
  4. It's not looking good. We got a taste of the future of the necro and it has nothing to do with being a necro. Still no minion AI, no real necro pets (skeletons, zombies, etc). If you want to play a real necro by definition, Anet has removed all of those concepts. Scourge is boring, has nothing to do with necromancy and reaper is the only thing we now sort of have... It is unfortunate that necros have nothing to look forward to.
  5. Bringing a skill like this back would take some creativity and class design talent on the part of the devs. If the new necro spec is any indication, Anet no longer possess any of these abilities
  6. Creating new classes/races requires imagination and skill. Anet has added very little because the talent that was there is now gone. Look at the necro class for example. Necros summon the undead, but now they summon sand and use pistols to jump around like a thief. Anet no longer has the talent in either engineering or creativity to execute a task such as making new classes.
  7. this I have spent a lot of money on this game because I wanted to support it, but the last couple of years my spending has gone down to well, nothing now. After seeing the necro expansion class become exactly what a necro isn't and seeing this birthday "gift", it is obvious Anet has lost much of its talent. The game is becoming some sort of very bland, unimaginative blah fest of boredom. There is nothing to look forward to except how badly they are going turn the little left that is good into some sort of homogeneous garbage fest so no one is offended. Anet is essentially on its way out
  8. IMO this is just the next red flag that Anet has shown. They have completely lost touch with what makes MMOs awesome and what keeps players coming back. I'm guessing they wanted to subvert our expectations..... thanks Anet. I really want to spend more money on gems now
  9. This would require the team to be able to code in some actual AI. If you haven't noticed, Anet is not very good when it comes to pets and you want full fledged heroes?
  10. They need to be deleted and the devs need to go back to the drawing board. They are such a bad idea. I am still trying to figure out what the design philosophy here was.
  11. I think it is fairly clear that anet has no more ability to create unique and interesting pet classes. Neceo should have so many pet options at this point, such as skeletons, zombies, real golems, etc. But once again we get the exact opposite of a necro. Don't waste your time with this question. The future is set.
  12. After playing with this class I must first say that the dev team has lost the basic concept of what a necro is and why it is played. This new class adds nothing to a necro for reasons why people play a necro. No new pets, nothing that deals with the concept of the undead and nothing at all makes you think "ya, this is what a necro is supposed to be!" I showed 2 friends this class as they were thinking about playing a necro and they were utterly confused what was going on. They then asked if there we real pet builds and of course I had to say no. Pets have been abandoned by anet for some reason. I can not stress that this direction the devs have taken with the necro is many steps backwards to the point is befuddling. This class makes it very clear the devs do not understand the basic mindset of a person who plays a necro. I understand that the hot new thing in media is to subvert people's expectations and I can assure you this mindset has destroyed many beloved properties. Anet appears to have ignored these lessons to the fullest. So how is the actual class? Feels like I am just playing a new thief variation. Everything I was doing as a harbinger made way more sense for a thief to be doing. The elixirs are absolutely ridiculous and pointless. The engineer and thief were simply robbed and I have no idea why. I have no clue what they were going in this design choice for a necro. Imagine if they had given us the ability to customize new pets instead of whatever these elixirs do. Jumping around like a thief was fine and was doing good damage, but it just isn't fun to play. If I wanted this type of play style I would be on my thief. I'm now wondering if the thief will get pets. I understand none of these design choices will be changed, so once again the necro gets an expansion that has nothing to do with a necro. We can summon sand for some reason like an elementalist would and now we can jump around like a thief, but we do nothing regarding playing a necro. Maybe the next expansion 5 years from now will introduce a real necro class, but seeing as this is the direction the powers that be at Anet are taking, I have little hope that the current devs can achieve the original dream. How unfortunate.
  13. After seeing the new necro class, it is clear Anet is out of touch with what is expected with classes. I'm down to like a 3 now. Oh boy, another 5 years of using the same equipment and same build until maybe someone gets hired that understands necros summon the dead.... not sand and pistols........
  14. this would be fine if Anet actually made a good core class of skills within our builds. Necros and almost several other classes, do no not operate in a way that a person expects when they pick the class. When I choose necro I don't think "yay I get to summon stationary sand puddles!". That statement has been said by no one ever who wants to play as a necro. Now, instead of necros getting skeletons, golems, REAL ritual magic, we get a pistol and get to jump around... I have no clue how anyone can defend this design ideology. Anet needs to look for real class designers. People who actually understand the genre.
  15. Hey maybe this time we will get a real pet class with real pet skills that require deep thought on how to create a legit necro that deals with undead and Anet will realize they have ignored what a real necro does any why people play them.... Nevermind. So this is it huh? Pistols and we get to damage ourselves to inflict damage while other mobs/players will also be damaging us. I'm guessing we aren't able to get refunds. I had stopped playing about 6 months and was hoping anet would realize what people that play a necro want. I see the devs are still absolutely out of touch with consumers.
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