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TaliaKirana.9137's Achievements

  1. Well, with the teaser video today we know the icon and name of the Necromancer spec: Harbinger. I'm guessing we'll get a teaser video tomorrow with the guardian icon and spec name.
  2. The trailer ends with "The cycle will be reborn." I'm thinking this is more a metaphorical ending. The end of the Elder Dragons as we knew them. Perhaps Aurene is the first of a new way for the Elder Dragons, that will respect mortals.
  3. Well, this was some fun news to discover. I'm guessing now they developed Ice Brood Saga to give them time to work on this. Seems like we will be off to Cantha in the future.
  4. The very fact they're bundling Heart of Thorns with Path of Fire from this day forward is actually a sign that more expansions are not off the table. Most MMOs start bundling the old expansions to make it easier to get in with the new. (For all we know, Icebrood Saga will be setting the world stage for a future expansion.) As an easy example? WoW doesn't even sell the base game separately anymore, you can just subscribe and get access to everything prior to the current expansion.
  5. Actually, WoW stopped requiring you to even buy the base game (for a new player). At this point if you pay the sub price, you get access to everything through Legion. Battle for Azeroth is the only expansion you have to pay for. (And once the next expansion goes on sale, BfA will be rolled into the same deal.)
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