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Rogue Sol.1457

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  1. I don't post on these forums almost at all, but the recent change to Deadeye has made the class play much worse than it did before. Before when kneel was stationary not being able to move HELPED. When you were in trouble you could come out of kneel in two ways, by hitting 5 again, or by dodge rolling. By dodge rolling to break kneel I could get mobile again and reposition as needed. Now with kneel as it is, I've run into several cases where I dodge roll and am still walking in the kneel state. This is a big problem because I have a toggle walk too. I can't tell when my walking is because of the kneel state or the walking toggle. The slow rate at which we move too doesn't help. Deadeye feels like a slow and clunky thief, which isn't what you want in a spec that's a fragile DPS. Please, at least return Deadeye to its previous state, as things are right now it's very awkward, confusing and generally much weaker than it should be.
  2. How about boots from Braham's Wolfblood outfit, the Lunatic Guard or Nature's Oath set as their own separate piece. I've been hoping for something like this for a while now as a charr player and they still look good on people who play human/sylvari/norn (haven't checked on asura). I'd be more than willing to drop gems on this if you just made a boot skin version of them.
  3. I've no attachment to Cantha and am curious about it. However that would be two human centered expansions and you have the Norn and the Charr that NEED an expansion centered on their civilizations. Don't relegate two of the major races to 'footnotes'.
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