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origin.1496's Achievements

  1. Agreed with the delayed trigger. I did find that chain reactions automatically trigger on arrows you shoot if you have one of the fields already detonated. I did like that, if it's intentional. It also goes off of the initial field too. The raw numbers for support are there, but the cooldowns, lack of survivability and group support boons will kill this. Tried this in a WvW zerg and the amount of barrier this can pump out in one burst is disgustingly high, but relies on way too many variables and is so hard to get that down with the small radius and cooldowns chocking it up. It needs a LOT of work. And the fun factor is just non-existent Group support boons are needed (Stab, Resistance, Prot) Radius increase Playstyle completely reworked. This isn't fun
  2. Do you want to exclusively shoot circles with incredibly small aoes at the floor without the ability to weapon swap? Go for it! To each their own. Set up that chain reaction only for someone to side step minimally and miss the burst of support. What's worse is this has zero utility in....anything. Unless of course your post was a /s.
  3. As far as presentation goes, the engineer's shortbow is up there as a top contender for "worst weapon in the game". Watching the live stream you could even tell the devs felt uncomfortable showing off the weapon. Where is the fun in shooting circles at the floor especially when you CAN'T WEAPON SWAP?? This weapon had long cool-downs and tiny aoes where every part of the game has players constantly moving around (even in open world). MAYBE this would work if engi had a weapon swap mechanic. Perhaps that class mechanic should be revisited at this stage in the game because this weapon just didn't impress anyone and literally no one would take this in any mode. But the biggest concern to me is "where is the fun" in this weapon? As far as mechanics and play style goes, it needs a rework, and perhaps a dual functionality like condi + support. Or at least let it give useful boons. No prot. No vigor. No stability, No resistance.
  4. Still more effort than F2 + the 7 key. Standing there providing more quickness isn't what anything should be.
  5. That requires putting in effort for blast finishers and leap finishers, right? Herald feels semi-locked into the old routine of auto attack and maintain upkeep skills only rotation. It's a very passive and honestly unfun playstyle for what it can provide.
  6. With today's patch, why is Herald able to provide up to 29s of quickness to themselves and others with no concentration, no added boon duration and full zerker gear with no effort, while every other spec requires some sort of rotation or synergy with their skills and mechanics to acquire even a fraction of this? It feels like when revenant was first released and you auto attacked with upkeep skills, and nothing else. Except this feels even more unhealthy to the class and the game than before.
  7. Give us an elite spec that allows us 2 different weapon types please with the ability to weapon swap. As much as I want 1 weapon, whether it be MH, OH or 2H, engineers are already short on core weapons as it is.Give us a MH condi weapon to go with the pistol OH and a ranged 2 handed weapon. Give us staff as a throwing javelin with napalm that explodes for aoe. Idk, idc lol.
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