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Morvar.9864's Achievements

  1. After testing as a full support in WvW the numbers aren't good enough. Damage and CC is worse than with short bow in full minstrel and staff offers way better survivability than scepter with a shield. That shield's static blocking needs to go as you'll be just left dead for staying still and falling behind constant movement. I'd say scepter needs longer range for the auto attack and faster windup for the barriers. 4 seconds is way too long for such weak effects. Or something like 1 condi cleanse every swing to make it worth it go close to action. Scrappers and Weavers are pulling double or triple the cleanses anyway.
  2. I challenge devs to actually play other but their own favorite classes till the next balance batch. Dead specializations don't really get fix in this current way.
  3. Legendary Renegade summons are no longer targetable. Took only what like 5 years of feedback to get some change for the summons. No one seriously even bothered to check that they have no use in WvW fights? I'd like to say that I'm finally happy but I'm not.
  4. Whoops, meant Ventari's stance. Quite rarely seen in WvW.
  5. Disappointed as well. Herald still left into dust and no changes shield changes either. I bet it'll be like engineer medkit for the next 5 years. Better luck at next year..
  6. Started happening for me as well. Quite critical issue as it makes the whole stance useless. Hopefully the'll look into it soon.
  7. Bump. This trait is still not healing when using Alliance Tactics. Been half a year already. Any possible fixes planned?
  8. I would also remove the root. It's just suicide.
  9. Still no survivability for renegade kitties. No one's using them in WvW. Even bow 2 as the worst skill in game stays the same? Let's see if gems are worth purchasing again after the next 3 months then.
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