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Larynkir.6130's Achievements

  1. The entire logic of this is that the game relies heavily on interacting with things on the ground, scenery, events, vistas, climbing and jumping. Having mounts able to fly indefinitely would remove a lot of need to be interacting, and therefore content from the game. I assume this is why waypoints still have a monetary fee so it's a little more nessisary for new players to find ways around. Flying everywhere you please would be convenient and great but you'll miss out on exploring stuff if you haven't explored a map 100% and gotten all the achievements there.
  2. I mean this whole topic/event though, which is up for discussion of mechanics.
  3. Completely valid too. if a champ is up on the map, kill it if you can. I assume they usually would have a timer to respawn.But the steam ogre has specific mechanics to spawn, most likely for a reason. both an activation cooldown timer and gate access item. The Orr case is a little hard, there because it's a community mindset vs a coded map event, with which I assume again has a timer and no specific spawn/gate mechanics, so the example there can go a little more either way in regards to [community rules about the event VS the coded way you should complete the event] but that's off the topic of this specific case.in this case we would be thinking of [individual rules vs the coded event] I'd assume the complaints against a specific champ would have to be big enough to take into account a change, for that specific champ. not saying all of them would require such measures.As for the walls in the sky. The barrier around the entrance of the ogre fight is one such thing. Which I assume is also there for the explicit reason for disallowing entrance in pre mount days.and even if you were crafty enough to get up with no mount, that would still be exploiting a bug. I mean yeah, I do see the point that leaving it as it is will make everyone get over it/thicker skin ect and pandering to such things is considered weak.I guess my own whole argument here is that the event was specifically made before the mount era, and really made in mind so you were not able to freely access it like i am assuming other champs are able to be, where the counter arguments would make more sense.
  4. Yeah probably, but it is in fact on the way, and does, in fact reward everyone in the event area, not just one person. Maybe i'm not seeing it here, but would you be able to explain the personal gain rather than being nice to the community? It's literally selfishness or being opportunistic vs just waiting and sharing (the same chance of rewards) with everyone there, with the chance of getting it anyway if you attended.
  5. Making it harder is a fair point, too, which is probably more easier to be done. And I mean about that "not a big deal" ... sure but it's about the morality of being fair. like diddling every other player out of a few extra rewards just so you can get it with no effort may not seem like a big deal.It can also add up. say you're doing the world boss train every day, when you get up to FE, people always have a key.. but what's that? someone already did it while you were fighting FE.. and that happens every single time. to every player that didn't decide to be greedy about it. And that then becomes the norm. snipe the extra boss before anyone else. That's not exactly the point of a world boss is it? I'm sure that eventually will have you feeling the McDonald's fries.
  6. I'd like to think, being on par with an MMO that it should be the players choice to decide aspects like thatWhile there is instances of the story making a gender cannon, you don't necessarily have to pay attention to that. in instances like Gorrik, on one had it's nice to be assigned something, but in turn it kinda puts things on the record in a solid story perspective, which is a huge loss for the previously mentioned freedom of choice. in reality, I'd like to think it would be suggested that you would be encouraged to decide for yourself
  7. what the heck. I thought this was fixed, I guess I must have been dreaming it XDit's so easy to get to the platform with gryph or skyscale. all you'd need to do would be to put an invisible wall up around it, much like the place where you fall down into, and shift the exit portal, or make it appear on the condition the ogre is defeated. alternately perhaps try to shift the physical platform below the map.
  8. I had this thought a little while ago. I love the skyscale chair, But I was wondering if we would ever see something similar with the other mounts.
  9. I see Suns Refuge is empty once again after completing the skyscale. Do you think you guys would ever consider adding some type of mini-games, like the ones in the collection?After all of that work, It sure would be nice to keep up that sorta good feeling and bond of raising a species from the start/playing with your own skyscale
  10. TBH don't dangle a treat in front of us without telling everyone what will be required to get it.It's all about player choice. If they want to put the effort in, and some heads up about how much it will take. Fast or slow. If grinding is your thing, or playing other content perhaps a happy middle ground that would satisfy both some work for the reward equal to the mount. that's really all that needs to be said about this whole ordeal. As for the time thing. I'd welcome gating, if it were like.. playing with the hatching/ interacting with it over a period of time. you know.. the fun stuff like seeing it get excited and follow you? the good feeling stuff that makes it worth it?
  11. But why the 250 map currency, for each LWS4 map at the end of the collection? .. that's a massive grind for people without multiple characters and haven't done a ton of the meta every day. How many maps was it? 6? and I'm not exactly sure how much of the map currency you can get per day.. provided you spend a few hours on each map grinding for resources each day.. so let's say 25-75 per map, per day for however many hours after that was it necessary to have the largest of the time gating last?
  12. I knew the final day was going to be the last and biggest F.U Would have been nice to see, or be told about the 250 of each map currency beforehand so I'd have had a chance to gather it, or knew I had to, since I generally only play the game for the story/PvE I tend to have 1 character and one side character for funsies Now I know why they wanted to lock the collections from sight though, since people would have been astonished at what you'd have to do by looking at it.. rather than have it be a nasty surprise.. Either way though, Cheers Anet t._.t
  13. I want to play this game for fun. and so far? it's torture and deadlines.
  14. Usually I wouldn't comment on this but it's day 2 in, 6 hours deep and I have been hearing it's getting worse as the days go on. This needs to stop.
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