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Kasemdria.7138's Achievements

  1. Gosh, I think I would have felt a bit sick to the stomach logging in to that kind of a mess. :astonished: I can understand why some of you are not playing until this is resolved.Holding thumbs that it gets sorted out soon! Please keep keep us posted. (First time I've heard someone say they are an experienced player for playing on a crappy server... Can I say I'm an experienced player cos I have crappy internet and live super far from the servers? :p )
  2. I understand your point of view. I think a difference here is that Anet staff is able to see who are active players. Like, players who have done dailies every day for the last month for example. And, wow, at all sudden they didnt log in on that particular day and time... Why would that be...In other words: these players have lost progress as well. Like 10 AP dailies, SAB dailies, or whatever they do on a daily gameplay. The reason these active players didnt log in last Monday is simply because they either knew their progress from Monday will get lost or were afraid to harm more damage/annoyance/etc to the servers. It is just not recorded in Anets logs/servers or however that works and only because of that they dont receive the right compensation. And lets be honest, the Bonfire really isnt the right compensation.. Every EU player who logged in at least once in the past 30 days will receive one (of which some are propbably not even aware of that happened last Monday) and you can even get one for free from the Gemstore now. My comment may have not been very clear. I am in the camp where I have an account that got a mount license (it's my wife's account, but we just share stuff, so I've been dyeing the new mount on various characters and having fun with it.) and I really think Anet should have just given all the EU accounts a mount. I was merely applying what some people's logic to other aspects in life with a bit of tongue in cheek. There have been a wide range of stances on this whole debacle, some of which have been interesting to read (@Randulf.7614 comes to mind. While they don't share my view, they have posted some very valid points while keeping their observations level-headed and decent). I still believe the core matter was: Crap happened on the EU servers.Anet said they wanted to compensate for the downtime, thus holding themselves to something.Compensation happens, giving people the benefit of the doubt of whether they were affected by the potential loss of the weekend / the rollback of the Monday / the lack of access on the Tuesday. I was personally affected by all three things, but (again personally) the first caused me the most stress. It will be different for others.
  3. As long as governments don't find this thread... it might give them ideas for businesses forced to close during lockdown. "You are not losing anything. You were doing something else when your shop was closed. Sales that could have happened if your shop was open may not have happened also. Have a sandwich for the inconvenience." :o
  4. I know Anet was under no obligation, but then don't tell everyone:"We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident caused and are exploring ways to make up the downtime to our player community."That was where the first snag came in. Because everyone on the EU servers were affected by the downtime. Don't tell them that, and then split it further. And THEN stuff it up by not delivering to those that meet the criteria, over delivering because....I don't even know.... etc.I'm just very relieved that the account I was on got compensation, as I was playing on my wife's account and in the middle of Tequatl switched to Map chat and freaked out. I thought I had lost all her SAB Tribulation weapons after reading about progress loss and checking her SAB achievements - and seeing them all gone! Then waiting....and WAITING to see what the hell the maintenance would yield. I know loot was lost from my play session on Monday - maybe auctions...I have no idea, but that paled in comparison to waiting during the downtime to see if our stuff from the weekend would be fixed. :s
  5. I would probably lose interest in GW2 like I did with Game of Thrones if they did that... :o By the end of season 3 of Game of Thrones I stopped watching cos there was no point. I could see that it was just a plot mess where the "bad guys" were conveniently kept around long enough to get the "good guys". Note I say "long enough". It was pretty much evident that the plot was just a "everyone's gonna dieeeeeee!" So...yeah.... Once you figure it out, you just need the final episode to see the lone soul who won at the end... I heard the last episode isn't worth watching though... On topic though, I always liked Trahearne. Calm and inclined to introversion and introspecting. No drama. People used to complain about him always dying and needing to be ressed on personal stories? I don't recall ever having him die (well....except that one time....where it's actually part of the story...)... Although, I was always running ahead to get to the combat before the npcs. I love my toon... <3
  6. I know if I had a choice on compensation, it would have been to have the lost days of SAB given by extending it for the duration of the time lost to rollback/downtime, but that's me personally. I already have tons of mount skins, and whilst another one is great to get, the SAB time loss was sad. I feel for anyone who did Tribulation mode and lost tokens for that or fell short with tokens due to the interruption! I was lucky to have wrapped up my Tribulation modes on Saturday! I appreciate the compensation but felt everyone on the EU servers should get a mount skin.
  7. This is not a reward. It is compensation. Part of the things disrupted was the downtime, the rollback, people seeing their weekend progress disappear, people seeing their progress on Monday disappear, people losing access to SAB and the dailies that SAB brought, people who had raid schedules for Monday, etc. Anyone who was active over the weekend and Monday, or was trying to login over the downtime were affected. It's neither here nor there. If there is going to be compensation, it should be for anyone in that group, because one way or another they were affected.
  8. I'm kind of surprised. I thought the compensation would be for loss in general. Some people lost progress, but everyone lost game time. Some people lost SAB access. I didn't think Anet would hand out a mount license - I honestly thought they would give some small token of apology and maybe extend SAB for the EU servers due to time lost. Yes, there was a rollback, but there was also downtime. Yes, some people logged in and lost progress, but some people also tried to log in once the servers were down and couldn't get in. And obviously, some people also would have wanted to play over the server downtime. To give to some and not others that were affected by the server issues - Come on! Everyone was affected! Just in different ways!
  9. Meeting Orders on TP:When meeting orders, there is a chance the order has already been met (as listings don't live refresh). Instead of automatically listing your items for the order price you were intending to meet, rather bring up a message saying the person's order has been met/no longer available, or waiver the listing fee. The unintended listing fee can hurt.
  10. hugs Thanks ^_^ I needed that. People messaging you like that is horrid. You should be ashamed of yourself??? Excuse me? Like someone else mentioned, please just report these people and block them. While I'm not in favour of the RNG aspect and won't be buying the mounts (unless there is some fat special and I'm feeling lucky - which I never really feel with RNG. Hahaha.), me not having the mounts doesn't then give me a license to be a git to others who do want them. Shame, my SO and I got so upset and worked up hearing this story that I had to respond to it. Just know that they're probably angry and jealous, so the fault is all with them for being so nasty at you instead of coming here and telling Anet directly. Oh, and congrats on getting the one you want first time. ^_^
  11. Truth be told, I've steered clear from the Black Lion Chests because that had alarm bells all over. Sure, I would get a surprise key now and then via drop or after a story step, but I wouldn't spend money on RNG like that. I saw exclusive special skins that I liked in those boxes, and just faced the fact that I couldn't have them and moved on. I honestly don't understand those that do buy Black Lion Chest keys in a dogged attempt to get that one item. It is bad, and maybe I was naive to think that people couldn't possibly cave and throw tons of money at Black Lion Keys simply because I wasn't doing the same. I guess I just didn't come to the forums and say anything about the fact I couldn't get skins I wanted cos they were gated behind RNG, but I honestly didn't feel it was important enough. Maybe I should have? I don't know. I've made my statement about the mounts though, but when I look at it, I am just a bit disappointed - it will pass and I will move on. At the end of the day, my opinion / wants / needs are just a drop in that very vast ocean, and I have been reminded of that with things far more important to me than exclusive gliders in a Black Lion Chest. (On a side note: my last line took things to a very dark place I realised. O_o After living the past couple of years fighting to have your voice heard over some big issues and being told you're just fussing or a minority so who cares, speaking about what I think about mount skin RNG and black lion chests feels so small... :'( I think I need a hug... )
  12. I love some of the new skins - the one's with new markings and patterns to be specific. Seeing more variation in the models would be nice. I liked that some of the models did have subtle changes to them (griffons and skimmers with different tails, raptors with different horn structures). I'm not such a fan of the sparkly/burning skins. I won't partake in the RNG because I don't have a griffon and I don't want the "fancy" skins. Buying the whole bundle is too overwhelming - I don't need 6 new skins of every mount all in one go. I did buy the Halloween bundle, so that's enough "fancy" for me, and these latest mounts take the effects to very sparkly levels. A bundle of one of each mount at 1600 gems was fine and probably the maximum amount I would spend in a go in the gemstore, and I don't mind the Halloween griffon skin sitting for a while until I do decide I would like the griffon mount. I'm glad you can't get duplicates via this new RNG system, so people can try their luck without being stuck with 2 of the same skin. 400 gems per skin is a very fair price, I would say. I guess its worth it if you want most of the mounts and are happy to swallow the chance at getting one you don't want. It's not worth it if you only want 1 to say 5 mount skins in the bundle. So yes, I'm sad I can't get a new skin for each of my 4 mounts, but so life goes.
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