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  1. True but HoT did have issues they closed off all the Sylvari plot line from hidden trees, nightmare court, silent, and so forth. They just brought an axe and said no more Sylvari in that expansion and after countless other content patches the Mother Tree remains broken and the Sylvari might as well not exist. More so no that the dragon cycle is over and the dragon minion race was nowhere to be seen or heard during its end.
  2. That's a really bad example and actually proves the OP right Western demons be making deals, playing fiddles, and stealing souls while in a nice suit Anime demons be BESERK, HELLSING, and even the lighter anime like Bleach: Hellverse don't have the modern Disney tropes. Even the ones that do give the Disney treatment to demons like Demon Slayer only do so at the demons death when they get their humanity returned. Humanizing demons isn't supposed to be a thing unlike monsters like Vampires, Werewolves, and such Demon mythology isn't derived from a human.
  3. Being specific about feedback in this forum will just lead to the poor poster getting attacked and insulted with everyone saying its a non-issue and a personal problem. So it's perfectly fine no different than those giving endless praise without going into detail he gave just enough information that the average person can easily infer the rest.
  4. Each way I cut it the thought of optimizing this weapon feels lacking as its a power weapon with limited clone generation. Our other support weapons are condition based and also not healing oriented. Our support traits are primarily condition as well and the healing that isn't is locked to wells and mantras which don't pair well with keeping so many clones auto attacking for heals. In addition that auto attack makes our support oriented shattering questionable as well. Take all that and keeping those clones alive in the first place on difficult bosses and replacing them in a timely manner. The lean to mirage is apparent but mirage itself is a selfish elite that leans into conditions. Virtuoso can keep you at range comfortably but it doesn't offer support. Range in this game is hamstringed by short short support and if the mesmer wants buffs and healing themselves they'd have to stay in the zerg where the clones will die quickly. In PvP and WvW if people wanted me dead it seems like a done deal too. The usage of this weapon just seems so limited and narrow on paper no existing weapon seems to pair well so you'd think to camp it but when you look at it even that's a questionable choice.
  5. Each way I cut it the thought of optimizing this weapon feels lacking as its a power weapon with limited clone generation. Our other support weapons are condition based and also not healing oriented. Our support traits are primarily condition as well and the healing that isn't is locked to wells and mantras which don't pair well with keeping so many clones auto attacking for heals. In addition that auto attack makes our support oriented shattering questionable as well. Take all that and keeping those clones alive in the first place on difficult bosses and replacing them in a timely manner. The lean to mirage is apparent but mirage itself is a selfish elite that leans into conditions. The usage of this weapon just seems so limited and narrow on paper no existing weapon seems to pair well so you'd think to camp it but when you look at it even that's a questionable choice.
  6. I dont do it for major bosses but its been common curtesy to spawn one on a number of bosses. So other people get the opportunity to make it to the boss and get credit. Me uaing skyscale in certain events is no different than spamming one as many bosses would poof into dust if everyone used their full rotation as thr powercreep has been real since the first introduced specializations. Now as for the harder meta event bosses that lock out maps. Ill run alts through map completion in order to get the exp needed to conplete mastery tracks. Its exp so Ill do events too plus the gear is complete garbage. They skyscale fireball is perfect for contributing and it does more damage than thryd normally do. So that fireball is a method of contribution for some people. Its more than amd i encourage more mid damage techniques to be added to the game. That hit that nice middle ground of doing decent damage but not too much damage.
  7. Not just that as the other day I thought the game was glitched because everytime I used a pair of diving goggles I would revert back to normal mid jump. After awhile I figured out https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Compounding_Power was the culprit. Once i removed it I completed the jump. Seems its any trait that procs when a blade or clone is summoned.
  8. Google - GW2 HoT weapon sets IBS was grindy and god awful compared to the expansions. However Arenanet stated they wanted a living world on par with an expansion. Thus you need to grind for it but Boreal and Boneskinner weapons come to mind. HoT is number one in this regard that expansion had a ton of problems at launch so people back then overlooked the smaller things as they huffed it 15 miles uphill both ways on foot pre-nerf through a jungle of glitches and death. These days players have mounts and powercreep and can take in the whole survivor asthetic. Plated, machine, and reclaimed give that scavenger weapon vibe after the destruction. Then Auric and Chak are a mix of finding local tools and harvesting bugs for tools. Finally Mordrem weapons are those of the enemys that you took for yourself. Unlike the other expansions you start of left to your own devices at the start and have to rebuild and the weapons reflect your situation.
  9. Oh Oh in Amnytas Bastion event that deals with Lyhr two champion Kryptis spawn at one point. I have no idea what the heck is up with the one on near the stairs. However that champion will stop then start bolting to one side of the room run up one flight of staira across the top down the other flight and reset back then do it all over again multiple times as people chase from behind. In addition the rider kryptis will charge and there is the one that leaves a trail of fire behind as it dances around. As for Aoe I was thinking Strikes something like Boneskinner that requires people to move around the boss. There is a trait that grants superspeed and resistance to allies under glamours. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Relic_of_the_Unseen_Invasion Whenever a player uses stealth their allies get 2 seconds of speed with a 5s Cd. Its not for you to move out of danger but to grant other people like a straggler to move out of danger. Better relics exist no doubt but this one seems unique as its something you can build around.
  10. I've actually recently have had great success with the torch and scepter. Pairing it with relic of the Unseen Invasion. Which grants super speed to allies whenever the player uses stealth. The scepter merely stacks confusion quickly and can probably be swapped out but Im testing for a nov 28 support build. You pop the torch stealth and your party can run down other players in pvp, champ kryptis, or run out of AoE in a flash. Unlike with glamours you can keep it up making repositioning in group play trivial.
  11. The thought did occur to me at one point but I hadn't really thought about it till just now. In HoT we were stranded and thus we had weapons made out of scrap and other made out of the local wildlife. In PoF we had weapons suitable for the Elonian and the desert in addition to Joko and undeath In EoD we had Jade and Asian theme themed weapons In IBS we had norn and weapons suitable to the cold north However in Soto those light based weapons don't fit it's not like we see a bunch of wizards totting those weapons around. The demon weapons are fine I suppose since they are new but the lot that initially launched with Soto don't fit.
  12. I mention both World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14 have the same mechanic minus the choice. To port to your location means to port to a safe spot if you were in a trolling position that means the mesmer themselves would have to physical be in that trolling location at the time of cast. Its not a create a port to a soon to be death field, drag over pit, or plummet to death but the exact position of the caster. In addition this game is pigeon held by short distance boon support the mesmer and everyone else will be in that small bubble as players have been taught since their first world boss. So even bad support is just going to pull stragglers to the epicenter of the zerg for boonshare with everyone else. The technique is a god send because you waste a ton of energy healing people who merely stand in fire or stand in a soon to be nuked location. Even people that run ahead or get close enough to aggro something that shouldnt be aggroed can be corrected. It's a tried and true MMO staple at this point for healers to physical reposition players and it helps the saved player learn as well without the death. As for rifle its aura sharing is coming before the rifle and as a support weapon we have other supports. Mantra and wells if people choose to play it will no doubt benefit from rifle both of which can be played with power. That said its niche anyway as I said we stack and zerg against meta bosses so Im sorta lost on why a technique like this is even needed as why would anyone run out of a zerg. The few instances when players become bombs in strikes and whatnot they avoid the zerg but they also avoid overlapping the bomb with each other so they are to spread out for this to help their either. Our bosses are too stationary and dont posses mechanics for subgroups other then lets say a mordremoth with the tail and head but even then its seperated by platforms.
  13. They want ranged based support however ranged combat doesnt work in group play. As many support skills across the board have a short range thus during world bosses and meta events we stack. So a long range support rifle is going to be camped right next to the firebrand because we need boons too. In addition WoW has an anti idiot skill on preist that pulls the targeted player to the preist position. I used it all the time in WoW to pull people out of fire and near death situations. However this portal gun it seems that people need to accept the port instead of a forceful yank. Someone dumb enough to stand in fire is also someone dumb enough not to accept the port so they still die. I also played white mage In FF14 and they too have an anti idiot skill to yoink people to your location. If you want the portal to save lives the recipient should not have a choice in the matter and be I instantly plucked to safety.
  14. Not really as its rather simple we are getting cloned based healing this month. The scepter creates clones so naturally every third swing is a wave a healing. Which in theory should pair well with rifle along with staff however they never mentioned if rifle is primarily condi or power.
  15. Soto is said to be a smaller expansion for a lower price. The big bad is a character named Eparch. Launch story plus a much smaller story update and two more coming. We are on the final map with two more extensions. I say this because I smell a cliff hanger there is no way with what little story we just got that the story wraps up in two more patches. This smaller more manageable expansion feels like they just chopped an expansion in two. Imagine if PoF ended in the 3rd map Riverlands without a conclusive fight with Balthazar. Well we are in the third map of Soto and everyone is still talking about Eparch with no action. People are complaining about an unfinished expansion and of course white knights defend. Im alright with smaller expansion but only with a complete smaller expansion and thus far this doesnt feel like a complete mini expansion but rather a regular one chopped up and sold one part at a time. I already have an idea how this ends too as the story mentions the Amny meta boss is deeper down in the map.
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