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  1. You mean the one confusion emote you yourself put? lol Most people who agree already left anyway. What is annoying and unfun is dumbing down mechanics, homogenizing classes and just making it boring and less fun for the sake of numbers (this isn't just a warrior issue). Great games can do both.
  2. Oh well. I haven't logged in since June 27th, said I'd check back later in the year to see the state of things. Hanging up my old yellow commander tag for good it seems. Thanks for answering friend. 🫡
  3. It's not making sense to you obviously. However, again, a company simply stating things are in a good state doesn't mean it's so. I don't like that you dismissed those other people in the earlier part of the thread, saying "Stop convincing yourself it's about you." or that their opinions don't factor in. What they say is valid.
  4. I'm literally replying to your own words. I just disagree with that very first point but you kept arguing for it. Then you mentioned feedback so I responded to that as well.
  5. Again, you said "The fact is that players opinions do not determine if something is in a good place." Based on that and your initial comment "then we are in a 'good place'. Stop convincing yourself it's about you." and others, you're trying to say you didn't say their opinions don't factor in is nonsense. Again, for the millionth time, it's irrelevant anyway to my initial point but you keep trying to make it about feedback because you can't counter prove that your original premise to be good.
  6. Sorry didn't mean to double post, meant to put these in the same reply. Anyway, yes you did say this and no amount of you bending over backwards over semantics will change that.
  7. You got triggered over a simple point I made at the very beginning then went down a rabbit hole of other stuff. I'm literally saying that your first comment was a bad premise as a response to those that came before you. Again I ask you to read the beginning of the thread so you fully grasp what you said.
  8. So you can just tell those above you that their opinions don't factor in and that Anet says things are good and that's the end of it? Sorry that's not how this works lol. This is absurd.
  9. It's your own words! lol You said: 1. Do people play the class the amount Anet wants? 2. Does the class work the way Anet wants it? If the answer is yes to those questions ... then we are in a 'good place'. Stop convincing yourself it's about you.
  10. What's faulty is using that as an argument though. Can you seriously just go back to the beginning and read the comments leading up to your first comment? Anet's "process" is irrelevant to what those other people were saying and not only that, saying that everything is good if Anet's two conditions are met makes no sense.
  11. Forget whether they change or don't change based on feedback for a second, the point is that you saying things are fine simply because a company hits their goals and says so is what's faulty.
  12. It's so strange though, it's such a simple point I made lol.
  13. And like I said from the start, that process is irrelevant to what the others were saying. It's a bad premise.
  14. What doesn't make sense is your initial argument, the only one I actually was here to discuss but you keep trying to change the subject.
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