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  1. To be honest: I think the video is bad. I personally have played GW1 and GW2 + Hot, but not PoF. To me the video is boring. It doesn't cause some kind of emotions, no "wow" effect and I don't care what player XY thinks about the game. People who like the game will always say something positive. Good examples are imho: Imho a video should cause a "I want to play this game" athmosphere. Those 3 videos do. Good choice of music , good action scenes - and they don't even show anything about the game. The vagrant story intro could easily be used as a GW2 intro, it just roughly 20 years old - but still good.If you want to add informations about the game go for known sources, as example: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/guild-wars-2No one cares what fanboy unknown.3526 says about GW2. Advertise with reputable, well known, sources.Present the content GW2 has to offer. No "new specialisations" "new events". No one knows what this means. Go for "new maps" "new dungeons/raids" "X unique mounts" standard terms for people which don't know GW2.GW2 got dragons. You could show them, similar as in vagrant story or as the FF10 attack on zanarkand. Dragons are impressive and deliver a good show. See Tequatl. Add maybe "Tyria calls for help, fight tequal". "explore 5 new huge maps". I also wouldn't use voice for these messages, to avoid it destroying the athmosphere of music+video.Another, more modern example of a trailer: They advertise their strengths. What are GW2 strengths? I wouldn't advertise it as a teamplay game, obviously. But maybe as an open world game. Huge zerg action? Singleplayer friendly. Casual friendly. "Play each day, once a week - or once a month. No geargrind, don't worry about it just play the game".But: GW2 is 5 years old. I don't think there are many players interested in such old games. Improved advertising is more important for a new game.
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