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evlover.6270's Achievements

  1. Think the lvl 60 relic choice chest was a one time thing for existing characters yeah, don't know if they added a relic into one of the lvl up rewards up to lvl 80 or not and don't really want to click through the 80 lvl up rewards to find out It would be logical that they replaced one of the rune choice by a relic choice but what is logical for us isn't always logical for Anet.. (by the time my post was done, the post above me confirmed there are no relics in the lvl up rewards) As for prices, people only got 3 for each lvl60+ char, there's some scarcity because you can only pick 3 while people want to try out way more than 3 on their builds to see what works now. Also recipes cost 5 charms of 80s-1g which is at least 4g to unlock the recipe. And crafting them like the Relic of Fireworks for example (only one that I unlocked) is 60s for the 480 lucent motes to turn into 48 crytals, 5 exotic luck (account bound, some form of time/grind gate), another 3 charms of skill (90s X 3 = 2g70s) and 15 ectos (2g80s - 3g) so the relic crafting cost is already at least 60s+2g70s+2g80s=6.1g without exotic luck while people below 300 account magic find will want to just consume their luck for higher account magic find. Ectos have always been pretty stable (even though they have been lower since EoD and now adding them into relics restored them back to their price before EoD) so that 2.8-3g is something that won't go down. Lucent motes might fluctuate a bit but won't change much and the charms have always been a scarce salvage result so I don't see those going down either. I suppose all relics will have similar recipes with one of the 3 charms so they all pretty much have a hard baseline price of around 6g to craft them once you unlocked the recipe for 4g. (the 3 choice boxes and crafting them seem to be the ONLY way to get the basic relics atm afaik) The only other option to get relics is getting one of the expansion relics by drop/meta/event? (got them while doing stuff in the new map) or by purchasing them through either a vendor in the Wizard's tower (250 pinch of stardust and 500 research notes, just because of the research note cost I'd already say this is a hard pass) or through the heroics notary in Wvw (50 heroics and 100 badges of honor, which is the go-to way to get them imo but you need to unlock extra choices through redoing the reward track). So yeah, they definitely made the former 6th set bonusses way more expensive to obtain, on top of most of them being even less useful than a lot of the former set options that got deleted/removed and were way cheaper even if you needed 6 runes (rip rune of the eagle). Picking a relic is not about getting a set buff that you're looking forward to have anymore, but about finding something that at least offers you an occasional proc or buff for filling up that otherwise empty spot in your equipment tab. But for newer players who don't have gold, I'd even suggest to just leave it empty until the very last thing and even then just treat it with zero priority until they know properly what their skills do because all of the relics require pretty specific conditions to have a somewhat decent potential instead of none at all. tldr: core relics hard base price = around 6g, only other option is getting an expansion relic which are all account bound, cheapest to obtain = Wvw
  2. When the expectation was that they'd at least add some cool new things to relics to make them impactful and feel like something fresh to rectify pulling them away from runes themselves, but instead they just copy the old 6th slot special effects, delete all the ones that people were using, and leave them with all the crappy ones. Pet aggro runes for newer people, deleted. Dps boosts based on active play (flanking/high hp), deleted. Flat cdps buffs, deleted. Have fun with the occasional nova procs, and some niche ones that activated on profession specific skills that only very specific builds can use. Well done, well done.. **clapclap**
  3. Just checked my current Wvw progress of this week, halfway mithril chest, tower guardian 1/8, keep keeper 1/3 with all other achies done and numerous times of successfully defending towers/keep against enemies. Says everything..
  4. Not going to complain about the rewards cause if people would actually read and do the maths of what they can get every month, they'd see it's a huge increase compared to the daily rewards we had. Also not going to complain about the huge nerf to login with numerous alt accs just for a second to get daily loot, because it's a necessary change that had to happen even sooner rather than later. But can we at least get rid of tasks that are unreliable to get credit for? Like, the Wvw Weekly achievement was adjusted so you didn't need the tower/keep defense achievements to get the weekly because getting credit for defense events in Wvw is so unreliable, then how on earth could it be a good idea to add it again in new weekly content aside from the Wvw weekly meta achievement? Destroying siege that has been damaging the objective never counts as defense. Killing the one that operated the siege doesn't count either, killing people in small skirmishes only seems to count if you happen to kill someone who killed a few guards, if you happen to kill 4 people that didn't tag a guard, there goes your defense credit down the drain as well. The only reliable way to get defense credit, is to cap an objective and then kill some of the enemies that were still inside cause that always seems to proc the defense credit somehow. Sadly most of the time, either all defenders are dead by the time you're capping, or there was no enemy in there to begin with. Just get rid off the defense events for people who pick Wvw and replace them by whichever other Wvw related content you can come up with, but not these defense events that barely ever proc -.-' Like, I do Wvw up until diamond chest most of the weeks, and even after all those hours tower defense is the only one I miss nearly every week. Keep defenses gets done most of the time because there's often some previous defenders in there that you can kill after the cap for credit, which shows how badly the defense events work. I don't get them done by actually defending, but by attacking previous defenders..
  5. Kudos, you're the 2nd one that got me on that but whatever it is, I haven't had any problems with skills not going off or being delayed in 3-way zerg fights for the last 2+ years so whether it's client or server, I've had zero skill issues with the current numbers so that means you guys should be fine too if you guys are saying skills are server related :p . Besides, I couldn't care any less whether it's server or client related, my point was that decreasing numbers would make WvW feel emptier that it already is and that the pitching for something that looks like a GvG thing because they happen to be with 25'ish people doesn't need to be at the cost of WvW as there are plenty of alternatives to make something for the GvG scene without impacting WvW.
  6. The main problems of WvW are instigating the personal reasons though. The fact that there's no incentive to play for 1st or 2nd place is the reason people don't mind losing keeps anymore once they are behind. The fact that nothing is being done about thief exploits for months is the reason while people stop upgrading objectives against certain servers. The fact that defending keeps give you nothing while defeating the lord gives you a chance at an infusion means defending them becomes meaningless when matchups are already decided in the first 2 days. It never happens anymore that servers are playing together as there is no incentive to do so. Back in the day the 2nd and 3rd server would heavily play together against the 1st one "for honor" and you'd often see one team blocking the defending them from running back from a waypoint while the other was capping, even though they were enemies. I haven't seen this for years now. So I don't think mentioning the biggest reasons why WvW is being played the way it is today, is off topic, quite the contrary..
  7. Too many players on the map allowed per team? Completely disagree with that. The current numbers are fine, if you're going to reduce that any more the maps will feel even emptier than what's already the case on full maps that don't have a commander. Server performance is fine if you just use standard models and doesn't need downscaling of the number of people. This just feels like you're pitching for a GvG scene that suits your 25 man group, which isn't wrong because there is no place to GvG at the moment. But a GvG scene doesn't have to be at the costs of a WvW map. They could just create a space similar to obsidian sanctum or Eotm, like same layout as Eotm but an open field with a few terrain differences, a larger hill in the middle and 1 keep with a lord near each spawn and make it something like capture the flag on the big middle hill. Tracking of activity in the past could be a nice idea but let's be realistic here: whatever they do to try to balance teams, whether it matchmaking based on during which time people are active, what there wvw lvls are, whether they command or not, what profession people are playing or whatever other variables you would want to try and make as equal as possible to try and have an equal matchup: it doesn't matter and won't improve matchups at all because you simply cannot predict how much or at what time a person will play the following week or weeks. I'm going to give myself as an example here: WvW rank 4k, plays wvw every week until diamond chest is finished, usually play heavily 1 or 2 evenings/nights but it can be any of the seven weekdays since I just go in when I feel like it. Some weeks I'm just there to keep my tick up and cap some camps while alt tabbing, other weeks I might tag and flip every keep on all borders. How on earth are you going to balance that with however many people can fit on a wvw matchup? Cause this is just my randomness, but there's hundreds of people their randomness that they want to balance, it just doesn't work. Playing WvW starts by accepting that one week, you might get stomped, and other weeks you rule the world, or one time of the day you have no coverage, while another time of the day you can make the entire border your colour. It's always going to be like that no matter how many people fit onto a border or however they want to try and balance things out. The only direct way to impact "balance", is by debuffing a team that has a strong lead, or by buffing a team that's way behind (but always map-specific, not team-specific, if someone rules all the maps it will become team specific but if everyone controls their home border, each home team should get the debuff on their home border for example). So like Outnumbered but a bigger effect. For example: last team dealing 10% more damage and taking 10% less damage, middle team nothing, team in first dealing 10% less damage and taking 10% more damage and not based on number of people in the map but on the team score in that map. They could fiddle around with the percentages if it's over or underpowered (5 or 15/20% instead of 10%) but in the end that would give way more equal scores than whatever they're trying with alliances and would give a permanent boost to the weaker server and a permanent debuff to the strongest one.
  8. I voted "Don't really think it was better or worse" last evening, but after one night of rejoining the Gandara night train after these two beta weeks, I have to say beta was definitely worse. The reasoning being that beta felt more like filling time, often solo/duoing things late evening/night but trying to profit from the Call of War buff by flipping paper keeps, while this one night of the Gandara train really felt like coming home and was more fun than any day of the beta since it was way more fast paced and the fights against Baruch were organised from both sides, something that simply didn't happen during the beta (and I played a lot during the beta, like 40-50 hours/week and going up nearly 500 wvw ranks). Servers just offer way more structured gameplay compared to alliances at the moment. The only really fun time during the beta was when the other two teams kept coming for SM and we kept insta wiping both of them for like 30-45mins straight until they finally went to other objectives. For me the two most positive things about the beta were the Call of War buff and that I finally learnt how thieves are exploiting sword 2/staff 5 to get into all of the keeps and some of the towers because up until the beta, we were reporting thieves for months while not knowing how they actually got in. Now at least I can say with 100% confidence that it's not by hiding when a wall happened to be open or while the other team was capping, but by exploiting. I happened to be thrown into an alliance that had at least two thieves that were doing it in plain sight for everyone to see so now at least we know what spots the scouts need to look out for thieves, since reporting them doesn't do anything. Reported them multiple times the first two days of the beta even though they were in the same team, but two weeks later after they've been doing the same things day in/day out, they were still there. I guess bans don't exist anymore or the ones handing them out have been on holiday for the past two weeks
  9. I've seen lots of valid reasons so far, but they are all personal ones. Some depending on which server you're on, what builds are currently meta or not, what time of the day you play, rewards not being good enough overall and everything else. I haven't seen the main problems of WvW being mentioned yet though, the reasons why WvW is broken to its core and why it doesn't matter at all what people are doing, what build they are running or how many people there are playing. 1) I can't say how due to the rules, but thieves are able to get in at least all of the following objectives from outside to lord by performing an action that allows them to get on top of the walls: all 3 alpine keeps, all 3 desert keeps, both bottom towers in alpine border and from outside sm to inner gate (not lord). By placing shadow portal and just getting 1-4 other people inside, you can literally flip any keep in under less than a minute because the lord literally melts against just a few people. By the time anyone spots that it's contested, it's already capped. The only way you can prevent it is by spotting the thief before he lays the portal because no one else will make it if there's no EWP and they have to run from some uncontested waypoint. So whatever time you spend on upgrading any objective, all of that is in vain if there's a thief playing on the other server that knows how to get in. 2) There's no incentive at all to play for 1st or 2nd place instead of 3rd (leaving the pips aside as the difference is meaningless). If there would be meaningfull rewards, people would care more about doing what's best for the server, instead of what's best for themselves. Because at this point in time, the goals of personal interest and the server's interest, are often not the same. For example: why on earth would you defend keeps, if you can get the new wvw infusion from defeating keep lord, but not from defending the keeps? Letting the keeps getting capped and just flip them back to have a chance at the infusion is more worth it for your personal gain than defending it and getting absolutely nothing. The whole alliances thing is just a (poor) attempt at fixing some minor wvw issues, some of that which can't even be fixed whatever they do. Alliances is an attempt at making balanced teams, but you can't balance teams as you never know how much a person is going the play the next week. You might put 5 maxed rank wvw people who are great commanders in an alliance, and 5 in the other one, but if the next week on one alliance 4 out of 5 of them play a lot, and in the other alliance there's only 1 and the other 4 decide to jump on some new PvE content, that server won't stand a chance with constant coverage of great commanders VS the alliance that only has one. That's only by picking out the commanders, but the same goes for entire alliances, some might play heavily one week but go on hiatus the next week etc, the point is that you just can't predict how much people will play the next matchup so you also can't balance a matchup based on previous activity/ranks. They could try look into at what times people play to balance day and night coverage, but you can never predict who will play how much the next week. And let's not forget that in WvW, the best times you have are when your server is farming the other two in SM, but that also means that one server their "good time" means two other servers are having a crappy time just constantly wiping. Those are just things that are inherent to WvW, any attempt to balance it is silly cause you simply can't. But what can be done, is give players an incentive somehow, to play for the benefit of the server and go flip things on borders instead of just running into a better zerg and wiping in a fool's man attempt because "what does it matter anyways if we're feeding kills or not".
  10. It's nice to pick one sentence out of it's context and then nitpick about it I guess so here's the guy his full post With everything else in his post obviously being related to the bug and using the autoclicker in correlation to abusing the bug and not for anything QoL related, it seemed rather obvious that he was talking about the aspect of using an autoclicker in the regard of bug abusing. Asking him if he read ToS before posting and saying autoclicking is allowed in certain case without specifying those makes it seem as if what he was saying was wrong, while it was completely right in the way that he meant it. This entire thread is about the catalyst exploit so when the usage of autoclicking is mentioned in general, I doubt it's about the gear salvaging aspect of it. Not having manpower of it to sanction and the difficulty of determining what's against ToS/policies or not is due to very ambiguous rules that are often not fully covering the topic or leave a lot of room for interpretation. There are very large grey areas in there or areas that are 90% black/white but still leave room for 10% white/black. If the ToS/rules wouldn't be so ambiguous, it wouldn't be so time consuming to determine what's against the rules or what's not and it wouldn't require as much manpower as now to do so. And maybe with clear rules, even just 1 or 2 full time ingame mods would already be able to achieve a lot as well. Cause now the Anet staff icon only means they work at Anet which is completely different. When you see one, they're often just playing either on stream as an event/showcase or in their free time, but not to mod and search for bugs or exploits. If there'd be 1 or 2 ingame mods that are known by the players, it would be way easier to call them over if you encounter an exploit (like bots porting under the map to loot Tyria jp chests that keep coming back). They could come over to what seems a priority to them and judge right away instead of all the ingame reports that are just being thrown straight in a trash bin (or at least that's often what it feels like). Could work with warnings, short term bans of long term ones if there are clear violations that don't need any further investigation. Would those be flooded in the beginning? Yes. Would they be able to respond to everything? No. Because the state of the game in this regard is terrible. But when people start to get that the risk of getting caught has become that big and the punishment isn't worth the gains, it would only decrease as time passes by and then they can start out focusing more about finding regular bugs instead of bug abusing/under the map portalling etc. Also, getting a follow up message about your reports (like in csgo), would help a lot to know whether reporting something is actually worth your time or not. Although reporting a jp endchest bot porter or a team of 5 accs of the same person in a pvp tournament and not getting any follow up message in the following days/weeks would be even more depressing than just not knowing anything at all.. (and yes, I know multiboxing is generally allowed in PvE when not using macros, but it's not allowed in competitive modes. Since it always takes so long to ban them though, they get enough gold from it to make it worth getting new accs whenever theirs are banned) It's just a number of impromptu examples what could be done, and I'm sure there's plenty of other options that could be way better or more effective. But the point is that they can do more than what's being done today, whether with limited resources or not, to address a part of the game that's been in a dire condition for ages. The PvP scene cleanup was a pretty nice one but that's been what, half a year ago? And before that I honestly can't recall anything up till back in the beginning when the necro minion bots were taken care off which made it better for a while, until people realised it was a one time thing. As if nothing among the sorts of afk necro minions, turret engis, mallyx revenants or boon pulsing revenants has been going on between 5+ years ago and today. Go to the southeast heart in Iron Marches and you'll see them next to the wall more often than not... It really isn't hard to find obvious things that deserve bans, but the gap between the start/endpoint of seeing things that deserve (temporary or non-temporary) bans, the rules 100% backing up that it deserves a ban, and then actually enforcing the ban, is a gap with the distance of the earth to the moon and back and really needs to be shortened so that justifying to stream an exploit to get it out to the masses only to get it fixed instead of being ignored should never even be considered justifiable.
  11. Did you read the ToS yourself though? "Attended macro use is permitted as long as it is not exploitative, and as long as it does not provide the user with an unfair advantage over other players" The usage of an autoclicker on a skill to spam an unintended effect as fast as possible after going through a sequence of actions to create that effect seems both exploitative and an unfair advantage to me. Autoclickers are mainly allowed for quality of life stuff but not for automating skill usage. But using it on your attunement while showing it on stream in a raid environment is just stupid. If someone encounters a bug that's exploitable by coincidence, it would make sense to try and recreate it on the training golem while recording yourself so you can make a decent support ticket. Using it on a stream however, so that other people start copying it, was like the worst possible way to deal with it. And that for an Anet partner, it's just shameful. People were literally abusing it everywhere last evening/night. I've encountered people doing it at Soo Won, Tequatl, Chak Gerent, Octovine, DBS, Drakkar, WvW without following any particular squad. They just abused the hell out of it while it was possible and it's very likely that all kinds titles have been earned by using it to almost insta phase stuff and drastically limit the amount of mechanics people needed to follow. Anet should just make an example out of it so people are reminded not to take advantage of bugs, because a lot of people have gotten a feeling that they're untouchable since Anet has been so lackluster with proper punishments for exploits/bug abuse/unintended play. At WvW, tactics in keeps get pulled by alts right before an attack all the time, every now and then you come into a matchup where a thief glitches into keep all week long without any wall or gate ever being opened and what are the sanctions for it? Literally non-existant while said thieves should be banned within 24h instead of going at it for 3 weeks straight and new server links happened. So why would people refrain from taking advantage of something that's abusable if they know they risk nothing anyway? Without sanctioning, you just give people green light to take advantage of any possible exploit in the future because people will be "hey, you remembered when X or Y happened, they all got away with it so we might as well join in on it now" which is exactly what happened last night as well. They all knew there was a risk theorethically, but in practice Anet rarely does anything, so people went along and did it anyways. Anet just really need to start taking proper actions against a lot of forms of unintended gameplay so people start to realise that there are risks of joining in on it without considering the possible consequences.
  12. Isn't that just turning GW2 into an anime where the main character and the villain are chasing eachother while fighting and the background characters are just standing there unable to get involved?
  13. Ah k, nvm me then, was out of the loop on that one xD
  14. Just completed Soo Won with 10:25 left on the timer (EU servers, killed at 01:34'ish UTC+2 in case it's useful to be investigated). Was a perfectly normal squad, arcdps didn't show any unusual dps from anyone but once we started with Soo Won, it completely melted. The adds during the splits didn't all melt at once though, it was 1 by 1 with enough time in between to go from one to the next as if a player was rotating and bug abusing. Hence why I suspect it was just 1 person out of squad who was doing it, or it was something that arcdps doesn't register. Anyway, this is game-breaking if one or more people can do that at any place/any time and needs to be fixed asap, especially since at least one of them is bold enough to not even hide it and just use it on a PvE meta instead of keeping it for instanced content with people they trust. So far this was the first time I've seen it though so no idea if it's only at Soo-Won or if it works anywhere they want to use it.
  15. Fracts (cms-t4's), planting & harvesting cilantro/mint/peppercorn in home instance, buying weekly Ancient summ stones in Arborstone, daily looting from the guaranteed jade runestone chests, meta's with guaranteed loot like drizzlewood, dragonfall, silverwastes, palawadan or meta's with a bit less guaranteed but chance at lottery (aka infusion) such as Chak in TD, Octo in AB, Soo won in DE, Pinata, Drakkar etc. Teq is always worth it for the 15k karma, daily EoD strike missions till you've done all once/week (CM if able to), 8 dungeon paths/day (very good gold with a fixed group and unmatched if using HotW skip, AC triple path merge, Cof skip, stealth in Cm or minor skips in TA/CoE). The best of everything is world comping as with markers it's easy to do them in like 12h and the 2 gifts are worth 1400g but you can only do it as long as you have spirit shards to cover clover rolls and bloodstone shards. You do need to spend 6-8h in wvw for each gift though so in total it's like 24h for 1400g which is 58g/hour. And that's without including all the loot from your wvw tracks/kills or mob rewards and bl keys from the world comp. Long story short, anything in this game gives plenty of gold nowadays so just do whatever you like and switch it up from time to time. Farming something specific non-stop just because it gives a few extra g/hour will just burn you out from the game in the long run so it's a waste of time as it's better to just have fun doing things you like, while still getting plenty of gold anyways.
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