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  1. Cheers! Sounds fine to me. You were looking for answers so you asked for an Anet employee to reply. Sounds to me like they were just looking for excuses not to answer. Sadly, I can’t say I’m surprised.
  2. A-net got called out for the changes made to nerco's, similarly to how they got called out for destroying mallyx for rev's in the same patch.A-net got mad and banned anyone/removed anyones posts or responses even touching the subject.Its become a "Don't like it, Don't play" mentality.Im summarizing because Im pretty sure if I go into details Ill get banned or some such thing, again. They should get called out! The change felt so random and their reasoning for the nerf made no sense. If they actually played the class, they’d know that. Who cares if Necro is bulky in PvE? Last time I checked, we didn’t do as much damage as most other meta classes, and we don’t have tons of damage mitigation. Yet by their own words we’re supposed to be a beefy frontliner? They nerfed if for PvE reasons not thinking about the effects it would have on PvP. Even if they did think about it, they opted not to do a split. This is more than enough reason to call them out and sure enough, instead of actually talking to the players and listening to feed back, they silence us and remove posts about it. They’d rather censor us and ignore our feedback than work with us which says a lot about them. You’re absolutely right about the “don’t like it, don’t play” mentality. It’s because they THINK they know what’s best for the game when they haven’t got a clue what they’re doing and it shows! We give feedback all the time and sometimes they listen, but more times than not they seem to just buff and nerf things they shouldn’t. Even at the end of dragon bash, a post was made here in the forums about how a player was sad to see it go. A DEV then hopped on and said that it was going to still be going on for another week. Only to then be corrected by a player. The dev THEN went for confirmation and returned to apologize for misinformation.(https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82164/farewell-dragon-bash-well-miss-you) If even the community devs don’t know what’s going on, how can we believe that any of them do? I say OP has absolutely NOTHING to apologize for (though I never did see the original post so if there was a bunch of name calling and stuff, I would be wrong). The devs need to know of their mistakes, realize that they are infact wrong and capable of making mistakes, then they need to admit to their mistakes and fix them ASAP instead of forcing their players to deal with their screw up while we wait for the next balance patch. But let’s face it, this won’t happen and they will continue to silence and/or ignore us because what could we possibly know about the game we play?
  3. Oh look! A reaper nerf! Thanks Anet! What a fair and totally needed nerf!Here's an idea, instead of worrying about reworking things that don't need a rework and screwing up things further for others, how about you "rework" your balance team?!Here are some patch notes your balance team should impliment: Actually listen to your playerbase. I know this seems like a weird idea, but hear me out. Your playerbase is the lifeblood of this game. The money they bring in is what helps keep you afloat right? So if you listen to their feed back, and when I say listen I don't mean to just read what is said and move on, I mean actually read everything that has been said and actually discuss it with the rest of the team AND the players. Keeping players happy, keeps them playing. Oh and incase this wasn't obvious, that means discussing negative feedback too. I know you're not keen on doing so since most of you seem to only respond to praise but maybe that needs to be fixed too. Actually play the game and game modes with the classes you plan to "fix". There have been so many times that your "balance team" has completely screwed things up because it would seem that they are absolutely clueless when it comes to a lot of things. Maybe if the team was built with people that actually play the game and each class, we wouldn't see so many changes that just come across as random/weird changes to things no one was complaining about in the first place. If you are going to claim something is making a class do something that isn't intended, back it up with proof. In the case of [soul Eater], you claim that it provided "a little too much survivability." Ok, in what game mode? I highly doubt that you're talking about PvP or WvW, which leaves PvE, what?! a class is surviving in PvE?! oh noooo!!! If by some crazy chance you are infact saying it's an issue in PvP and/or WvW then I would love for you to prove that. I have yet to see any reaper become absolutely unkillable because of this trait and even if that was the case, you have the ability to split it between PvP modes and PvE modes. This kinda goes with point 1. but, When asking for feedback, ACTUALLY DISCUSS THINGS WITH THE PLAYERS!!!! So far all I've ever seen you guys do is say "here are the changes! we'd love your feedback!" before going radio silent and ending up not actually changing things or even acknowledge the feedback you've been given. We are giving you feedback because we want the game to get better, not because we like to waste our time! Communication is important, so actually communicate! Bring forth your ideas, Listen to the players feedback both positive and negative, and work with the players to make things work. Just because you're the balance team does not mean you're ideas are always the best thing for the game. Learn to admit when you're wrong and fix the problems your create ASAP instead of making people wait until the next balance patch! I'm sure I could think of more things, but I feel like this is a good start. Anyway, Seriously think hard about what you plan on implementing with this patch, read the feedback and make the appropriate changes BEFORE the patch goes live!
  4. This just froze for me too. It wont progress past 2/3 after only 6 completes. :/
  5. Personally, I would absolutely LOVE for the elder dragon of Water to be a hydra! It would be very interesting trying to take it down and I could see the final battle against it being a lane based that has each lane dealing with a different head!
  6. Just had this happen too. From what I've found of an old reddit post (https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/72eks2/code1083571596101/) it would seem it's linked to their servers (what a shock). I've already submitted a ticket about it. Though let's face it, they probably won't do anything about it.
  7. Personally my rating for the mounts would be: Griffon > Raptor/Beetle > Skyscale > Springer > Skimmer > Jackal > WarClaw To explain, the griffon is an amazing mount that I can take to any map and for the most part, not need to worry about switching. The Griffon is fast and fun to use. If I need to go somewhere far and there happens to be a large incline/decline on the way there, I’m happy to jump off it and soar to my destination with the Griffon. The Raptor and Beetle both tie for second with me simply because they are both great ground mounts that are able to cover a good amount of distance in a short amount of time. I use my raptor if the place I want to go to isn’t super far away or is on the other side of a chasm. The beetle on the other hand is if I need to cover a large amount of distance in a short time. Sure the charge up can take a bit, but once you speed off, it doesn’t really matter. The skyscale has proven to be an amazing mount. It can fly over hazardous areas, and skip enemies much like the Griffon. It can even gain altitude very easily making exploration incredibly easy. Plus it’s a dragon! Springer, ah yes my good old rabbit/kangaroo buddy, the Springer has helped me access a ton of places throughout Tyria thanks to it’s wonderful jump ability, unfortunately however, I feel that it is now not as good as my skyscale. As much as I like my skimmer, I hardly ever really use it. The most use it sees from me is if I’m part of a Cobalt squad for Triple Trouble. My jackal is only ever used to go through some portals. Usually to go view the ghost city in the Desert Highlands at night. While I could say that I use my warclaw more often than my Jackal, simply because I WvW more than I go through sand portals, I still feel like it is the bottom of the list simply because all the other mounts outshine it in PvE so aside from WvW it’s pretty much useless. Still an awesome mount nonetheless though!
  8. At this time I see no reason to add another mount. I feel like all forms of Travel are covered with the exception being underwater which at this time isn’t really a huge part of the game. If going forward we do end up with more underwater content, the. Perhaps an underwater mount (shark, seahorse, jellyfish, w/e) could be added, otherwise, I see no reason to add anything else. :/
  9. I feel like they will soon simply because the instruments are gemstone items. So if they don’t that wouldn’t look good and I doubt they’re going to cough up gems to every player that owns an instrument.
  10. I can’t speak for everyone but I couldn’t care less if it was available in PvE or not, it really doesn’t serve a purpose in PvE but Anet decided to make it available, probably because they were worried people would complain about not being able to use their new mount outside of WvW. Regardless of that though, there is a line and it’s a very clear one, no expansion, no mount. Plain and simple. If they want the mount, then they can pay the 15 to 20 dollars for the expansion. Mounts were literally a selling point of PoF so giving them to FTP players would devalue it and cause backlash. Sure people didn’t pay specifically for the Warclaw, but some DID pay specifically for mounts in general.
  11. To be honest I doubt this will be the last mount we get. I have a feeling that we will eventually see an underwater mount.As for the rest of your points, I totally agree! Well except with number 2. Not that I disagree, it's just that I haven't bothered with that mastery.That being said though, I find it doesn't take that long to climb things at the moment. About 30 minutes ago I scaled the Tower in Dragon's Domain fairly easily with the Skyscale even with the new invisible walls. (RIP Divinity's Reach Castle :( ) I feel like this could be kind of clunky given that there are times when my skyscale will cling to a wall that I don't want them too. I do like the Idea, I just think that if implemented they would have to make it charge only when your bar in empty.
  12. Sure I’ll throw my question in! I just got my sky scale today and fully mastered it.The grind was a pain and I wasn’t happy to see the time gates. That being said, I still did it as did a bunch of other players. Now I hear you’re going to change the time gates and to be honest I don’t understand why. Sure time gates suck (at least I think they do) but you know what? You put it in there and we still did them regardless. This isn’t even the first thing you’ve time gated in the game. People are complaining about the grind and time gating and you’ve decided to turn around and change it despite the fact that other players have already gone and done it before hand. I want to understand why you think this is a good idea. People complain about grinding for rewards all the time. Kitten, people still complain about the cost of the Griffon! Yet you stuck to your guns and haven’t changed it. So why now? Why are you caving? Now I’m half expecting to hear (if you even bother answering this) “we want to make it more accessible/ easier for others.” Which then Makes me wonder, when you’re going to remove all time gates, lower the cost of the griffin, and just make legendary armor purchasable then that way everything is truely “more accessible/easier for others./s” Also, as asked in another question, since you plan on doing this, what is the compensation for those that went through with getting their mount before this “fix”?
  13. More time gated content. If I wanted to be forced to wait to get something, I'd play a mobile game.
  14. Greatsword or longbow mostly, maybe OH sword, and access to Clones.
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