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  1. It may be that the wiki just hasn't been updated, but it shows that this was last in the gem store over a year ago. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Seven-Branched_Sword_Skin
  2. It's sort of already possible to sell ascended on the TP, The buyer is just gated by Ascended crafting, because they need to "assemble it themselves." Once they have 500 crafting, the only thing they need to obtain for themselves is a vision crystal, and 5 laurels to buy the recipe, the rest of the components are available on the TP.
  3. I don't play all pve map content, and since the new system only gives you the option of completing 3 objectives for the 4/4, I've been getting task to to do things in maps I don't have unlocked. In the old system i could just pick a different daily to do.
  4. is it a timing issue, and we have to dodge at the exact moment the green circle finishes closing in on us? I escaped once, but only once. https://imgur.com/a/dWbEGGp Edit: Someone marked confused on my post so adding extra details. It's from a champ/boss mob in the new Shadows of Obscure expansion map, the circle follows you as you move, even if you spam dodge as it's closing in you still get one shotted. I didn't play EoD so I wasn't sure if this was a new mechanic or not.
  5. Making some legendary weapons tradable helps the in game economy imo. When they are account bound, once the person crafts it, that's it, the demand for the materials for that legendary is lower than it was before. If the person is able to craft more, and sale them, then there will be a continued demand for those materials(good for some players), and some people will be buying gems to convert to gold(good for anet) in order to buy the legendary.
  6. I didn't realize, was wondering if people who played the Betas had a rough idea what it would be like.
  7. Is boating and fishing EoD equivalent of Mounts and Gliders from the previous expansions? Will we be forced to spend a good amount of time boating and fishing in order to advance through the expansion, and the Living Story maps afterward?
  8. I would like this because character skills effects can interfere with your wardrobe appearance. The green soulbeast aura for example.
  9. I remember, I think it's wrong to say "No one" though. It's more that whenever a thread was made about them there was large amount of push back.
  10. Gem store bikini armor and non gem store Bikini armr Make non gem store bikini armor require a lot of mats to make, making a lot of mats currently in the copper range jump in price Simulate the guild wars 2 economy. I'm just rambling.
  11. This happens often with digital content, it's a common practice. Popular authors will often make their previous books free for a limited time when they release sequels. It doesn't cost them much to give something for free to people who were likely not going to buy it anyway.
  12. I just don't want them to have the maze like navigation of HoT maps.
  13. There have been several threads in the past of people requesting that they bring back gemstore armor, and this was the price some were willing to pay.
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