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  1. They literelly waiting builds to win mat to nerf them. War was also clearly broken, but no, they had to wait for the mat win.
  2. Sure, those 2 builds 1v1 when both are 1450- warrior is prolly winning 10/10
  3. Ppl are saying LR cata can beat staff war, i'm not even sure if it's LR, maybe a regular power cata build with the new buffed arcane skill (2 charges 9k crits) sword dagger.
  4. They don't know how to play thief They blow all their important cds to get to home node at start of a match If somebody else goes home they type gg in map chat
  5. yes, my acc has nearly 10k matches, once i get past like 1420 i start getting matches against many duos, to the point if I don't q dodge then actively I'll be matched against then 60% of the time. Considering last week, they'll also q dodge each other more actively, so if you not getting one you getting another duo, with you always being clearly the best player on your team. Matches will pretty much be you, g2, g2, g1, g1 vs plat duo g1, g1, s3. Duo you kill your g1s just by looking at them, so game over.
  6. spvp is so abandoned that they just might release gw3 with pve and wvw
  7. humm, well, if you anywhere near plat this might happen in the last days of the season, there're always the tryhards trying their last push to get the titles they don't have
  8. yes, they take that very seriously, even silver players have the chance to fight top 10 duos, a truly marvelous work
  9. I don't believe there's any reason left to to have duo q. The pve kids are all farming obsidian armor and most if not all players left are aware of what can be done with duo q.
  10. Obsidian armor removed most afkers from ranked? It's been a while since a last saw the L dragonhunter I have been playing more enjoyable matches, a faceroll here and there and i have all the chat warriors blocked, then i don't get caught in their toxicity
  11. those top ladder ppl will just log their 40+ accounts to get what they want again
  12. sad thing is, about an year ago, there was a bug that you could just go into a pvp 3v3 with a duo, the issue was fixed in less than 48h, so it's clear that they don't remove duo q cuz they don't want to, a simple thing that would improve match quality by this point they should at least lock players above and below 1350 rating, so we have less plat and silvers in the same game. Those 2 things together would already improve greatly the match making, no more top 10 duo, no more q dodge to fight silver players
  13. it's not a build issue or performance issue, i don't like how it feels playing the weapon. Yes, they'll never bring condi scepter back to life, since the pistol is condi focused and doesn't ignore projectile denials, they could revert the last round of nerfs to power scepter tho, an unnecessary move, cuz they knew if they didn't there would be tempest, hammer cata and FA cata in that mat and ppl would qq even more.
  14. i don't like the autos specially, i rate the whole weapon 6 considering animations and fluidness, i'll really avoid it unless it's completely better than any other option
  15. well, in pve the numbers are carrying the weapon, in pvp that's not happening, so you left with a playable weapon, not bad not good. it feels really clunky, i just rather play dd
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