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Nathan Dragonslayer.4089

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  1. Yeah, was thinking that also, but some areas seem very empty, but yeah, let's see how it comes along. Plus I might have been in a weird empty map hahaha
  2. Well, the title says it all, I guess. Maybe it's because not many players around on my map, but it feels really empty. Never had that before really, even with no players around.
  3. I agree with OP the amount of stuff you get in this game that just eats away at storage. All the currencies are all over the place and I am afraid it's gonna get worse after launch of end of dragons. For God sake just streamline things. And also the whole name typing to delete also very stupid. Delete are you sure yes, done. I get the want to sell slots and what not but it's a mess. But after so many years don't think it will chance.
  4. Hmm thought let's login just now but like the rest hear the sounds but can't access the program. Any word of Anet yet???
  5. I still would like to see a keychain for like the 500 different keys that are sitting in my inventory. Also, it should be account wide so that you can just let it sit in a shared inventory slot for all characters to use.
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