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titibalbon.7495's Achievements

  1. Yup. Anet should not pander to engi mains seeing as how they're the most underplayed class. Period.
  2. Simply put, engis are too strong and need to go back to the dumpster. Even if it would be unfair to engi mains, it isn't healthy for the game seeing as how they're the most underplayed class.This game was so much better before the scrapper wvw meta.
  3. Yes pls. This game was so much more fun when engis were a garbage spec. There's a reason they're the most underplayed class. It should stay that way.
  4. So we need to make sure nobody plays any elite spec of engineer either? If scrappers are such a horrible problem for poor condi users in the game, why do we still see 10-20 scourges in all full zergs? It's not like cleanses protect you from CC. In my opinion scourge has no place in WvW and ruins the gameplay for tons of classes, making most melee gameplay void in zergs. Scrapper is mostly a scourge counter nowadays. If people get off their scourges, there'll be no need for scrappers probably.And even now, there's only a handfull of scrappers. Why is that?And as someone who plays a scrapper, even with all the cleanses, there are cooldowns which you must use to help your teammates. Eventually you will run out of them. Also you still die if you get pushed. Not even minstrel gear will help you survive if you get hit head on.If you'd like for it to be garbage, get off your scourge. Tell your friends. In a game there are counters. But scourge cannot really be allowed to "counter" about everything. THAT is horrible gameplay. The thing is, necro is an awesome class while engis don't belong in this game both thematically and mechanically. It's ridiculous how these forums defend an obviously OP out-of-place spec. Medic scrappers need a nerf. Period.
  5. P> @coro.3176 said: It's not JUST scrapper that is cleansing too much, but scrapper (or more accurately, the engi trait synergy) is the main offender. There are only 14 conditions in the game, and they stack with each other, so with just 1 support class like this and you can keep your entire party effectively immune to condi. That's not good gameplay. I'm in the camp that scrapper needs to be nerfed to oblivion. This is a failed spec idea. It is either garbage or exceptionally OP. I'd rather it be the former. Besides, engi is the most underplayed spec anyway.
  6. Scrapper should be easy to kill. You can't say scrapper without crapper.
  7. The fan shape arc doesn't make sense. It's essentially a waste of a skill and time.
  8. Just don't nerf mesmers. Everything else is fine. I'd rather mesmers be top dog again.
  9. I honestly believe that the glass cannon meta is healthier for the game than the bunker meta. Bunkers should be nothing but punching bags.
  10. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASncTBlXhVXBupC0ehlJjSsZKgAAs6yuQi+vz7AH-jRCBQBPd/hKpGAgV9hiPAA/qDALKxOjSQAcBAEsyjAAHAnfeA48zP/8zPvmf+5nf+5nf+5nXKgRVGB-e This is what I run for open world. Perma 25 stacks of might, fury and quickness is pretty fun.
  11. Just nerf this dumpster spec back into the ground. The game was so much better when mesmers were meta.
  12. NERF SCRAPPERS. This dumpster class should just die. New meta my ass. Mesmers should be the quintessential class. Anet fix your shit.
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