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RUBIK.1376's Achievements

  1. With no quaggans in the new map, how are we supposed to ask who your favorite quaggan is?
  2. With this release, you introduced the Vermillion Wings Backpack, another shiny backpack that is fully dyeable. Ignoring the fact that drops in the predatory RNG-in-paid-lootbox format, it brings up the question of when will we get dyeable versions of all of the legendary backpacks? If we aren't ever going to get dyeable legendary backpacks, why do you feel that your endgame rewards that take significant effort to get deserve to be outshined consistently by gemstore items? And on the subject of dyeable legendary gear - when will we receive the promised dye fixes to raid legendary armor? Remember how good the heavy armor looked in your preview youtube video? I want to look that good too.
  3. It should be pretty obvious with how dogshit they handled this situation that anyone that was locked out of the game and has sent support tickets about it should be able to keep both the skin and get the gem refund. Who ever said we wanted account rollbacks?
  4. Has anyone received any word from support regarding a refund? I submitted my original ticket on the Wednesday after the skin was introduced, updated the ticket afterwards saying I would like a refund, got a reply this past Wednesday after it was fixed as per above, I responded to them within an hour, it's been another 7 days and I have not had anyone update my ticket. I've never known "longer than normal support queue times" to mean you have to wait in the entire week long queue to get another response after your first one. Whenever I've submitted a ticket during "long queue times" in support, only the initial response when they first open my ticket was delayed - all subsequent interactions I had with support for that ticket were done within a day. This is somehow different now? Did they secretly close my ticket even though I clearly was not done? Did they think I would just go away after ignoring me like the devs did to all of us in this forum thread?
  5. Support got back to me this morning after 5 days saying they can't refund the item because the skin is applied to my account. I told them And asked that they read this forum thread to understand the failure and frustration it caused. Waiting on a reply, expecting to be told to suck it up and eat shit because they don't actually care. Will update. Edit: Over 7 full days after their first reply to my ticket, even though I responded to them within an hour of that first reply, they got back to me (acting like my ticket wasn't closed lol?) saying they wouldn't do anything about it and it's final. "Suck it losers - lose access to our game and have your pleas ignored for a week then get nothing at the end of it but still feel free to use our gemstore in the future!!!1!" That's a no from me chief.
  6. Definitely not suspicious at all when 4 hours go by past the major patch that doesn't fix it, a lot of new information comes up about it, and suddenly within two hours there's a hotfix. Really glad this bug took a full week to fix.
  7. Hey ArenaNet, it's me again. Since the giant patch today once again failed to fix this insanely awful problem for which you have continued to fail to have open communication with your players about, I decided to do your job for you. You're welcome I'll expect my direct deposit this Friday. I crashed my game dozens of times doing all of this in the preview window. I was unable to reproduce any of this while using Foefire pieces. All 3 Maguuma pieces will cause a crash when combined with the following headpieces (Human Medium Headpieces tested only): SKINS THAT CAUSE CRASHES:Glint's Gaze (and the 3 Glowing Masks), Leystone (any armor piece not just head), Confessor Caudecus's Mask, Enchanted Winter Antler, all 3 Zephyrite Helmets, Zodiac, Wurmslayer, Sworn Zaishen, White Mantle Elite Guard, Requiem, Mistforged Glorious (Triumphant doesn't crash), Luminous Skyscale, Hellfire, Radiant, Flamewalker, Fallen Balthazar BRIGHT/GLOWING/PARTICLE EFFECT SKINS THAT DON'T CRASH:Bloodstone Visage, Xera's Mask, all 3 Zephyrite Aspect Eyes, Virtual Box On/Off, Stone Summit Helmet, Runic, Pumpkin Crown, Phantom's Hood, Perfected, Luminescent, Magitech, Ice Crown, Holographic Dragon, Grenth Hood, Bloodstone Crown, Gas Mask, Forgeman, Flame Legion How about since it's been a week and people are still crashing at character selection, you swallow your fucking pride and recode these un-QA-tested Maguuma Treads as LITERALLY ANY OTHER SKIN IN THE GAME. You've permanently changed skins before and you can do it temporarily now while you internally work on a fix, but you're failing yet again and it's pathetic. You're completely ignoring the playerbase that can't access the game and it's immeasurably disappointing. FFS I was rooting for an ANet comeback with the third expansion announcement but holy fuck this incompetence over not implementing a temporary solution and lack of communication is really fucking sad. DO SOMETHING
  8. Are they really trying to say that they're going to post information about this on the forums? The forum post reporting this bug that has been completely ignored for the past 7 days? fucking really?
  9. Somehow this is a defense? You really are trying to say that tweet meant anything?
  10. Well its a Sunday so dont expect a fix. They are also probably working on minimal staff cause of the Virus, so its probably gonna take awhile anyways, if the fix is even a fast one. Considering that someone else above mentioned that the foefire pieces are doing the same i doubt it is. Well it's been over 5 full days since they introduced this bug that prevents people from logging in to the game past character select and they've said absolutely nothing in that time. I'd say people have a right to be pissed off right now even though "it's a Sunday"
  11. If you want that it will be account rollback to delete said skin, is it worth it? I mean my game has been crashing at character select so what's there to lose?
  12. Waiting for my 500 gem refund while getting to keep the skin btw
  13. Imagine not testing paid skins with other pieces of the same set, having it cause crashes at character select preventing people from playing your game, saying you removed the item from the gemstore on a different platform 7 hrs later making no attempts to bring that attention to the threads on reddit/forums that first reported the bug, staying silent on all platforms for 3 days, support not responding to tickets submitted about the crashes, pushing an irrelevant patch that helped maybe 1 player correctly choose a glider skin. PEOPLE CAN'T LOG IN TO YOUR GAME AND YOU'VE DONE AND SAID NOTHING FOR 3 DAYS. How is that not failure? Expecting a forum infraction for this comment btw
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