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Photonman.6241's Achievements

  1. Didn't fix shit. Still have to hard counter deadeye with half your build or you're burst in 3 seconds. The blob heals are still too strong by far. The only thing that has shifted is power to condi and I fail to see how that's an improvement at all. Took maybe 2 days for people to figure out how broken shit was and now it's probably worse than ever with the extra impact given to aoe condi damage. Can't stress this enough the ONLY thing done was to trash power damaged and they're gonna call that an increase TTK?!
  2. How about you change the flute back to being able to use it while walking. I literally never use it anymore because I only ever used it while zergs were running around. Harps can play cords, drums can loop, but you totally butchered the flute for no discernible reason.
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